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Thursday, March 31, 2005

"Chess is mental torture."

--Garry Kasparov

Again... where has all the time gone?

Garry Kasparov, perhaps the greatest chess player of modern times has retired. An interesting page for the avid chess player at gives a brief bio and breaks down his style of play (pertaining to over 2100 games that may be accessed listed in the database).

Weather: Record high temperature in Sacramento of 84° (Fahrenheit) on March 10th with a cooling trend started. Rain followed a week later staying off and on for some time with significant amounts including one brief cold snap... where we did received our frost on the dogwood blossoms. The last days in March back to warm sunshiny days.
My eyes were/are terribly dry and itchy from the outbreak of this early spring. I have a good supply of samples of "Nasonex" that I was given from my health care provider , but I needed to get some more allergy medicine purchased to the tune of $35 USD total for: generic "Claritan" or Loratadine (180 tabs), "Sudafed" (96 tabs), and Bausch and Lomb's "Opcon A" eye drops (small bottle). This should tide me over through the 'season', with the exception of the eye drops.

New (used) steering column ($180 USD) and spark plug wires ($48 USD) for Gail's van. We were "taken" in the purchase of the first steering column. The sale went down pretty smarmily, Gail having gone to the wrong shop... the salvage person not letting on. After determining that we had the wrong shop and wrong part for Gail's model van the part was returned and another trip was made to Sacramento for the correct shop and part. This is in addition to the $50 USD ignition keylock and $20 USD ignition switch already purchased, and the replacement of another part, which I can't recall, that was accidentally broken during repair. My father-in-law Larry was finally able to get 'things' right and we were only without a vehicle for a week, able to get oot and aboot Friday the 18th. I'll add car mechanic to the list of things I should have become in my professional life.

I checked my Google AdSense dollar tally... $0.75 USD total. That means that at this rate in about 33-34 years I should get my first check of $100.00 USD... Cool!!!

Our ward hosted the "1st Annual Inter-Faith Easter Cantata performed by choir members from our "Georgetown Divide" area by Sally DeFord titled "I Stand All Amazed", about our Saviour Jesus Christ. I attended the Sunday performance, sans Gail, and was pleasantly moved by the experience. The performances were splendid. Even after Easter the music is with me in my mind where'er I wander "... wonderful to me."

I thought I had Gail's computer downloaded with Windows XP SP2... but it kept aborting. I did manage to get the smaller updates accomplished, but the large SP2 file (32 MBytes or so) just kept choking on our pitiful dial-up connection. I ordered the free SP2 CD that Microsoft has available... said it takes 4 to 6-weeks for delivery (ugh!!)... received it in the mail in 1-week !!! Installed in Gail's computer and running smoothly.Good SP2 page: "Windows XP Service Pack 2 Spotlight" by Tech Republic.

Anti-spyware (freeware versions all): "AdAware" and "SpywareBlaster" and "Spybot Search and Destroy" all updated and run with their new definitions and/or new versions of their prog's on my Win 98SE box... AdAware SE being a new version of LavaSoft's anti-spyware prog. That explains why if one tries to update previous versions of AdAware - no updates are available. Gail's 'puter to follow... done and done and done.

Firefox 1.0.2 Update for vulnerability found in legacy code... done and done.

From an Earthlink tip: Free online college courses courtesy MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)... learn at your own pace. Also available en Español and em Portugues.

Gail's dog 'Maddie' or 'Poop'

From a TuDogs tip: Web Design Group... HTML 4.0 and CSS reference guides.

And just what triggers depression?... he asked his imaginary psychiatrist, Dr. Liebschitz. The web page referenced was noted after "Googling" the key words ("mental torture") in the quote by Garry Kasparov (he not being the 'he' in the interrogatory).

My cats 'Figaro' & 'Taffydoodles'


I watched recently the PBS documentaries on "Cascadia" (Cascadia referring to the subduction zone(s) from Vancouver B.C. down the coast into Oregon... a zone similar to that off Sumatra, Indonesia) and the Tsunami of last December 26th.

Interesting seismic events offshore near Vancouver, Canada as "Scientists search for seafloor eruption." March 9, 2005 (

NBC miniseries "10.5" Questions & Answers

BIG EARTHQUAKES... from the bigquake mailing list I subscribe to:

A magnitude 6.6 earthquake in Kyushu, Japan has occurred at:33.85N 129.98E Depth 10km Sun Mar 20 01:53:42 2005 UTC
Location with respect to nearby cities:

  • 40 km (25 miles) WNW of Fukuoka, Kyushu, Japan (pop 1,284,000)
  • 115 km (70 miles) N of Nagasaki, Kyushu, Japan (pop 438,000)
  • 130 km (80 miles) NNW of Kumamoto, Kyushu, Japan (pop 650,000)
  • 915 km (570 miles) W of TOKYO, Japan

A magnitude 6.9 earthquake in Salta, Argentina has occurred at:24.93S 63.36W Depth 558km Mon Mar 21 12:23:52 2005 UTC... followed by a magnitude 6.4 earthquake nearby:24.68S 63.43W Depth 562km Mon Mar 21 12:43:11 2005 UTC... both preceded by a 5.8 Richter event 5 hours earlier.
Location with respect to nearby cities:

  • 210 km (130 miles) E of Salta, Argentina
  • 215 km (135 miles) ESE of San Salvador de Jujuy, Argentina
  • 280 km (175 miles) NE of San Miguel de Tucuman, Argentina
  • 1155 km (720 miles) NNW of BUENOS AIRES, Argentina

A magnitude 8.7 earthquake, and a 6.7 magnitude event nearby two hours later in northern Sumatra, Indonesia has occurred at: 2.08N 97.01E Depth 30km Mon Mar 28 16:09:36 2005 UTC
and 0.90N 97.80E Depth 30km Mon Mar 28 18:30:43 2005 UTC
Location with respect to nearby cities:

  • 205 km (125 miles) WNW of Sibolga, Sumatra, Indonesia
  • 245 km (155 miles) SW of Medan, Sumatra, Indonesia
  • 535 km (330 miles) WSW of KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia
  • 1410 km (880 miles) NW of JAKARTA, Java, Indonesia
The estimated loss of life, I fear, is said to be about two thousands. These quakes apparently in the same fault system - south and east of the mammoth 9.3 event the day after Christmas last. Thankfully no significant tsunami action was observed.


My entries... " Poetry in Motion "... & Haiku daily contests:


Raindrops glisten
Their crystal moment
spirited softly fallen
through the light
verily in sway

:Bobby Nichols


At peace
Patiently waiting
Our Heavenly reward beyond
a certainty...
but do his will

:Bobby Nichols


The Firefox

My attention piqued
I rest in wildflowered field
waiting your pleasure

:Bobby Nichols

" Raindrops "... I wanted to title the poem Rainbow, but I've been there and done that. A Glory, or rainbow glory, was another choice, but just didn't 'feel' right. A quick edit 4-18-2005.

" @Peace "... but do His will. Terri Shiavo has passed this day, 3-31-2005.

" The Firefox " a Haiku: ... A photo of a resting red fox in a field for inspiration. My original thought was thus:

Mozilla Firefox !
Not Microsoft's IE6
You foo, you foo, you !

... not my best effort.

Görüsædæk !!!


Wednesday, March 09, 2005

"Service is the rent we pay for the privilege of living on this earth."

--Shirley Chisholm and/or Marian Wright Edelman

Shirley Chisholm: November 30, 1924 - January 1, 2005.
More of her thoughts...

  • "It is not heroin or cocaine that makes one an addict, it is the need to escape from a harsh reality. There are more television addicts, more baseball and football addicts, more movie addicts, and certainly more alcohol addicts in this country than there are narcotics addicts."

  • "You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas."

  • "Of my two handicaps, being female put many more obstacles in my path than being black."

  • Racism is so universal in this country, so widespread and deepseated, that it is invisible because it is so normal.

  • In the end antiblack, antifemale, and all forms of discrimination are equivalent to the same thing - antihumanism.

Valentine's day: sent my wife a collection of my poems in an ecard that took me quite a while to format... but her ecard never arrived??? Soooooo, I copied the confirmation that I sent to myself as a Cc:, which I did receive, and played with some HTML coding and made an HTML document for web viewing as well as a hard copy for presentation. The hard copy was arduous, as I had to 'print the screen' multiple times as I scrolled through my document using a freeware utility for Windows called PrintDeskTop... v1.05, a must have utility, to get the artwork, .gif's, to render on the printer as it appears on the screen. Just printing the document using typical printer commands allowed only the 'print' to print discarding the artwork (of angels and hearts in this case). Then I literally cut and pasted the document together with scissors and glue to make one six-foot long roll of artwork and poetry.
I sent my Mom a different set of poems in an another ecard from that rendered well. I received a confirmation that she received it.

Weather: On and off rain from still more warm weather systems until this second week of March which is wonderfully in the 70°'s (Fahrenheit) with plenty of sunshine... starting off allergy season in earnest.

Finally got my 10-speed bicycle tuned up after all these years. It may be the only transportation Gail and I have if she doesn't prioritize some urgent repairs to her van... soon. Down now for ignition problems. Seems the ignition key will start the van, but will not shut it off when finished (with the key turned to the off position). We have to disconnect the battery and then further turn the ignition on to stall the van to stop... which must be doing wonders for other systems... not to mention the squelchy-grindy noises it makes when one does that with the van already running.

My vincas, or periwinkles (or myrtle), and plum trees are blossoming enmasse. Daffodils in yellow bloom... well, one of ours did anyway... everywhere else they're blooming like mad. Manzanita with red and pink buds and blossoms... falling to the ground as I hack the tree limbs down for fire wood. Bees and hummingbirds have re-emerged from their absence. It looks to be a glorious Spring.

Ice hockey season cancelled?... go figger. Escalating costs (including salaries) causing financial burdens were bound to bite some major sport hard. I feel for the hockey fans. I was very angry over baseball's past boondoggles when they occurred. I personally like the idea that one enlightened sports person, not I, came up with... tying salaries to performance as in days past... not allowing guaranteed multimillionaires to rest upon their laurels... if that's what they sit on. But, the present day athlete is but a commodity in a big business market and will continue to garner whatever the market will bear, inevitably, until that market crashes.

March madness begins !!! (college basketball)

Updated Gail's XP machine with SP2 and a few other patches before Microsoft gets heavy-handed and updates her computer on their schedule. It takes forever on her dialup connection which tops out at 1 Kbps but typically runs at between 600-800 bps when downloading. I often dream of broadband...

Firefox 1.0.1 released (4.7 MBs download)... an update that (complete article)...fixes a few security holes and some other bugs." I've been very happy with Mozilla's Firefox browser. I rarely use Opera anymore and I'm weaning myself off IE6 more and more. It's interesting to read of Microsoft's frenetic activity in their IE7 project. The only complaint I have with Firefox, and it may be my 'puter not being set properly and not their browser (though IE6 is unaffected?), is the way the Java Applet for "Poetry in Motion" works with the mouse... a very haphazard delayed motion.

Free Java Scripts... for web developers... cool!!!

Physics and technology news... to peruse. The sciences, in general, have always fascinated me. I also watched PBS's reruns of their "Nova" programs on "The Elegant Universe" about string theory and the pursuit of the "GUT", or "grand unified theory" of force(s). It's as simple as black and green, or greene !!! (John Schwartz and Michael Green and Briane Greene)... almost. Of course there's Beyond String Theory"... to further warp one's mind about.

Instead of leading the world, there is no Kyoto accord agreement for the U.S.A. Guess that confirms that our country doesn't walk the walk when we talk the talk of environmentalism. And all that money wasted on studying cow emissions too. It always comes down to dollars and scents (sic).

A wonderful interview with the prophet, Gordon B. Hinckley, in 1997 I came across in my email while perusing a Google News Alert. I missed the recent interview with Larry King on CNN, but of what I have heard of the recent interview, it pretty much follows the same vein as the interview of 1997.

The Sumatra earthquake, last December 26th, has been upgraded substantially in magnitude to 9.3 Richter in force.

Mount St. Helens in Washington State, U.S.A., is showing renewed activity.

BIG EARTHQUAKES... from the bigquake mailing list I subscribe to:
A magnitude 6.4 earthquake in Kepulaun Talud, Indonesia at: 4.77N 126.34E Depth 20km Tue Feb 15 14:42:23 2005 UTC
Location with respect to nearby cities:

  • 195 km (120 miles) SE of General Santos, Mindanao, Philippines

  • 265 km (165 miles) SSE of Davao, Mindanao, Philippines

  • 1230 km (770 miles) SSE of Manila, Philippines
A magnitude 6.4 earthquake in the Southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge has occurred at: 35.70S 16.34W Depth 10km Wed Feb 16 20:27:52 2005 UTC
Location with respect to nearby cities:
  • 390 km (245 miles) WNW of Tristan da Cunha

  • 3180 km (1970 miles) WSW of Cape Town, South Africa
A magnitude 6.5 earthquake in Sulawesi, Indonesia has occurred at: 5.55S 122.03E Depth 10km Sat Feb 19 00:04:44 2005 UTC
Location with respect to nearby cities:
  • 65 km (40 miles) W of Baubau, Sulawesi, Indonesia (pop 54,000)

  • 285 km (180 miles) E of Ujung Pandang, Sulawesi, Indonesia
A magnitude 6.4 earthquake in Central Iran has occurred at:
30.75N 56.80E Depth 42km Tue Feb 22 02:25:26 2005 UTC
Location with respect to nearby cities:
  • 60 km (35 miles) NNW of Kerman, Iran (pop 384,000)

  • 180 km (110 miles) NE of Sirjan, Iran

  • 260 km (160 miles) ESE of Yazd, Iran

  • 740 km (460 miles) SE of Tehran, Iran
A magnitude 6.7 earthquake in Simeulue, Indonesia has occurred at:
2.93N 95.56E Depth 30km Sat Feb 26 12:56:52 2005 UTC
Location with respect to nearby cities:
  • 285 km (175 miles) S of Banda Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia

  • 350 km (220 miles) WSW of Medan, Sumatra, Indonesia

  • 385 km (240 miles) WNW of Sibolga, Sumatra, Indonesia

  • 1590 km (990 miles) NW of Jakarta, Java, Indonesia
A magnitude 7.1 earthquake in the Banda Sea has occurred at:
6.57S 129.84E Depth 193km Wed Mar 2 10:42:10 2005 UTC
Location with respect to nearby cities:
  • 230 km (145 miles) NW of Saumlaki, Tanimbar Islands, Indonesia

  • 370 km (230 miles) SSE of Ambon, Moluccas, Indonesia

  • 660 km (410 miles) N of Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

  • 2550 km (1580 miles) E of Jakarta, Java, Indonesia

My entries... " Poetry in Motion "...
& Haiku daily contests:

Kyoto Discord

Fend not for the earth

Until the politicians

Are thus endangered ?

:Bobby Nichols


"Kyoto Discord " a Haiku: ... the photo was of an elk, or ilk, in a meadow... giving me pause to consider my words, above, about the U.S.A and the Kyoto accord. We were made caretakers of this wonderful earth, and we will be held accountable to a Higher Authority.

Kwaheri ya kuonana !!!


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