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Saturday, December 25, 2004

Merry Christmas

  • "Many merry Christmases, friendships, great accumulation of cheerful recollections, affection on earth, and Heaven at last for all of us." - Charles Dickens

  • "Moving between the legs of tables and of chairs, rising or falling, grasping at kisses and toys, advancing boldly, sudden to take alarm, retreating to the corner of arm and knee, eager to be reassured, taking pleasure in the fragrant brilliance of the Christmas tree." - T. S. Eliot

  • "Do give books - religious or otherwise - for Christmas. They're never fattening, seldom sinful, and permanently personal." - Lenore Hershey

  • "Call a truce, then, to our labors - let us feast with friends and neighbors, and be merry as the custom of our caste; for if ''faint and forced the laughter,'' and if sadness follow after, we are richer by one mocking Christmas past." - Joseph Rudyard Kipling

  • "I heard the bells on Christmas Day. Their old familiar carols play. And wild and sweet the words repeat. Of peace on earth goodwill to men." - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

  • "Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful." - Norman Vincent Peale

  • "He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree." - Roy L. Smith

Weather: Wednesday through Friday a bit chilly with the sun out valiantly trying to warm things up on these winter days.

Wednesday newcomers meeting at church... a video on the life of our Saviour Jesus Christ and some testimonies. Again, a good crowd... and cookies!

BIG earthquake... from the bigquake mailing list I subscribe to:
A magnitude 8.1 earthquake NORTH OF MACQUARIE ISLAND has occurred at: 50.24S 160.13E Depth 10km Thu Dec 23 14:59:04 2004 UTC
Location with respect to nearby cities:

  • 420 km (260 miles) W of Auckland Island, New Zealand

  • 495 km (305 miles) N of Macquarie Island, Australia

  • 1515 km (940 miles) SW of WELLINGTON, New Zealand

My entries... " Poetry in Motion "...
& Haiku daily contests:

En Passant

Tropical jelly
long tendrils

Sea horses,
mouths agape,

:Bobby Nichols

Dreams of Summer

Whence flowed these
fond sparkling dreams

Memories of hot days
and cool gentle streams

:Bobby Nichols

The Light

See the Light

Jesus was sent
to save us all

Peace and love
and joy

:Bobby Nichols

"En Passant "... a French term meaning "In Passing". Also a move used in chess that often beguiles the beginning player. There would be much more to write in such a poem as this... being relegated to only 20 'tiles' left me to ponder more for the future.

"Dreams of Summer "... My favorite summers... cycling from home in the East Bay to Yosemite Nat'l park on 10-speed bicycles with Burt in '70, Jim in '71. Memories of: mosquito bites (once closing my eye for a day or two from swelling); Niles Canyon; Caswell State Park; Planada, where I was impressed at the amount of flies around a small eatery; tossing rocks across the Merced River with Burt; sleeping on or near park benches in sleeping bags; getting wet in Oakdale and Merced when the timed sprinklers came on after turning in; eating dehydrated camping rations; wading in the Toulumne River; Burton's flat tire fixed at an irrigation canal in Modesto; the gears freezing up on the bike I borrowed from my brother-in-law; sometimes having to walk the bikes up particularly steep grades... once or twice a short trip in the back of a pickup truck; my white Schwinn 10-speed that I bought with my own money after working at a Liquor store for minimum wage ($1.50?/hr. USD)... my bike later stolen at my high school (though locked up) as I attended a basketball game; having stupid songs go through my mind as a cadence; orange hats; a brief rain shower near the entrance of Yosemite; chopped-Harley rider amused at our straining our loaded-down bikes on a long flat straight back road in the heat, motioning as if he was pedaling in passing; stopping at small Mom & Pop stores for a snack or water or soda or phone call home; B-52's near Merced, close to the place of my birth; the beauty of Yosemite; pictures taken with an old Kodak "Brownie" camera that I still have; mostly downhill home!!!; getting a ride home in '70, once we made it from Yosemite to Merced, 'cause school vacation ended earlier than we thought; being left behind, alone, don't remember why?, once we made it from Yosemite to Sunol the following year...o.k., I was probably lagging pretty much at that point... but I made it all the way home!; and OH! the soreness!!!

"The Light "... I made a minor edit by adding the word 'us' here in addition to my entry. Jesus is the Light by whence all righteousness is restored to the Earth and by whom all may be saved. I celebrate the Son of God's birth this 25th day of December, 2004, with the prayer that all come unto Jesus, the Christ.

Peace be with you on this joyous Christmas Day... Adieux!!!

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