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Friday, February 11, 2005

"We have to talk about liberating minds as well as liberating society."

--Angela Y. Davis

Chinese New Year: Gung hay fat choy !!! The year of the rooster.

... Muslim New Year also.

My mother called Wednesday evening. It's hard to believe it's been nearly four weeks since we last talked. Her trip to England is still a go for early March.

Weather: Spring-like days: some rain and o'cast now and again... and some wonderful blue sky sun-shiny days. The winter pattern remaining relatively warm at our locale.

February: Black History Month. I viewed a couple of programs on the VH1 channel about rap and hip hop music, and black directors in the movies that were quite interesting. It was in the '70's while taking a sociology class, briefly, at Cal State Univ. at Hayward, that I was introduced to a glimpse of black history and contemporary black culture. I'm chagrined to admit that my knowledge is lacking in terms of the "black experience". I have been researching the web & watching programs, on the BYU channel, about LDS black history and current events to gain some understanding within the faith.

Ossie Davis has passed.

The "droopy-pants" bill has been dropped in Virginia. What would Thomas Jefferson have done? Suspender stocks fall to new lows in late market trading.

I'm back to formatting the BLOG in HTML using NoteTab Light... a Windows Notepad replacement that uses tabbed entry and is much more functional than Notepad. Its only drawback is that it seems to crash my HTML editor AceHTML_Pro_6 if I try to run both concurrently. The email posting proved to be disappointing and the "Compose" mode method proved to be a bit buggy... with the HTML that it produced quite ponderous to edit. Also, my sidebar has been flummoxed when viewing in IE6... an edit being warranted... though it appears much better in Opera and Firefox browsers. IE6 has been erratic at displaying my Google Ads at the top of the BLOG... go figger!

And speaking of AceHTML, by Visicom Media, the freeware version, AceHTML 5 Freeware, is being discontinued and will no longer be supported. A new update (free to paid owners of AceHTML_Pro_6) v.6.04.2, is now available for download.

Three critical updates for my Windows 98SE operating system. One each for: IE6, Windows Media Player, and Outlook Express for possible system hijacks. Done and done and done. I think this is the last year for operating system support for pre-Windows XP systems... Win 98SE most likely.

My prediction for the Super Bowl score was pretty close... just one Adam Vinatieri field goal short!

BIG EARTHQUAKES... from the bigquake mailing list I subscribe to:
A magnitude 7.1 earthquake in the Celebes Sea: 5.36N 123.23E Depth 486km Sat Feb 5 12:23:15 2005 UTC
Location with respect to nearby cities:

  • 215 km (130 miles) SE of Zamboanga, Mindanao, Philippines
  • 230 km (145 miles) WSW of General Santos, Mindanao, Philippines
  • 1050 km (650 miles) SSE of MANILA, Philippines

My entries... " Poetry in Motion "... & Haiku daily contests:

Ever True

Star-crossed lovers
beyond the
bounds of time
awake to their
heavenly reward
... ever true

:Bobby Nichols

Time is but a mote
Rushing through narrow waters
Leading to the sea

:Bobby Nichols
Whence the Tsunami

Islands in ruin
The sea a hard mistress be
Whence the tsunami

:Bobby Nichols


"Ever True "... A sentimental piece.

"DimE " a Haiku: ... The photo for inspiration was of a rushing stream bounded by trees on both sides. I apologize for being obscure, dim being short for dimensional. I often just go with what pops into my mind with little regard for if it makes any sense... I be dim.

"Whence the Tsunami " a Haiku: ... A photo offered of gray skies over a palm tree inhabited island with a view of other small islands... a photo used in the past for fonder poetic thoughts. In the aftermath of the Boxing Day's last tsunami, stories of the sea receding to reveal treasures to luckless beach combers evoked my recollection of reading a book of science fiction by Arthur C. Clarke, "Childhood's End", where a child is likewise enticed - although saved miraculously. I believe I too might have yielded... to my ultimate mortal demise. First "Jaws" and now the memory of the tsunami past... "The sea a hard mistress be".

A revved up turkey !!!


Friday, February 04, 2005

"Love without attachment is light."

- Norman O. Brown


It's interesting that the email formatting doesn't hold up when sent to my BLOG. The background is lost and any HTML is treated as text. Not exactly WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get).

I've been having problems getting the email to post to BLOGGER for some reason... even after deleting the pix and attachment I originally attempted to send. I'll just keep sending over and over and... nothing. Maybe the read receipt option in OE should be off?... I'll try that... nope.

Let's try BLOGGER's site for info... BLOGGER KNOWN ISSUES: (there are many)

"Mail-to-Blogger is currently having encoding trouble with accented and international characters. Until we get this fixed, these characters will need to be fixed by editing the post from the main Blogger interface."

I have been using an international character in my 'Good bye' (Tjada) with the last 'a' having a circle do-hickey above it ((see Swedish (Sweden, Finland) [informal] at edited... NOW let's try posting this puppy!!!!!!!!
... sigh ! ... nope... try again... nope... I give up... after a dozen attempts. I'll try using the email posting another time.

I'll try the "Compose" mode for posting (instead of laboring in HTML)... Note: It's proving to be nearly as laborious.

Test... pictures?

Picture of my Grandpa Nichols.

Irfanview updated to v. 3.95 with a download of the main prog (857 KB) and its plugins (4.5 MB)... a most excellent freeware viewer and image editor that I've used for a number of years with much enthusiasm.

ieSpell version 2.1.1 (build 325) has been released. I haven't tried it out yet, but I use an older version of this spell checker that works great for Internet Explorer 5 and 6 users using Windows 98 or newer. It supposedly may be downloaded at ... I'm having a problem or two, for some reason, downloading it.


Mom... the 44th anniversary of her 29th birthday recently.

Relatively mild winter continues: Only traces of snow at home this January... much, much more in the Sierra's. Budding of the willows and figs early in January... the lilacs and plum tress budding now. Wood... an ongoing chore.

Precious, one of our house cats, had an abscess on her chin that is now much better. Two adolescent cats neutered... 'Mocha' and 'Binx' (or 'Little Poop'). I named the male 'Little Poop' because it was adopted by Gail's basset dog 'Maddie' who I have always called 'Poop' (for the "gift" left in my 'office' the day she arrived from South Dakota). 'Poop', by the way, was adopted by a cat named 'Missy' when she arrived. 'Mocha', whom we had previously adopted out to my brother-in-law's daughter Virginia and significant-other's daughter Carly, is visiting during their interim relocation.

PS/2 replacement for grandson David... the original lasted a week after Christmas, evidently a bad laser. The new one is the slimmer version recently released.

Foxes and coyotes and lions and... no bears... yet. I had no idea that foxes ate apples!!! Geese and blackbirds and Stellar's jays quite abundant. Frogs creakin' up a holler with the ponds full to overflowing with our seasonal creek. A multitude of dead skunks noted when driving about.

Gail to the hospital via ambulance for severe back pain. A couple of bulging disks in her vertebrae that muscle relaxants and potent pain killers seem to help. Unfortunately the meds make her ill... making her loathe to take them.

Bible study on Mondays starting with The New Testament: Matthew: 1. "True to the Faith" study for newcomers still on Wednesdays... I really got a kick out of playing a game called "zip-zap-bonk" we were taught as a possibility for an activity for family home evenings. Tonight's class was on fasting... a good gospel reference being Isaiah Chapter 58.

Johnny Carson's passing.

Innumerable aftershocks still occurring in the Indonesian area afflicted by the 9.0 quake and tsunamis last month. Survivors still being found!!! the latest on Great Nicobar Island.

Iraqi elections. Prelude to civil war?... I pray not.

Eagles vs. Patriots in The Super Bowl... hmmmm, I'll guess Patriots 27 / Eagles 21. I'll miss the televised game. Guess I'll catch the ESPN highlights on Monday.

Waterbed sprung a terminal leak... Gail's attempts to patch the leaks have proved fruitless (note: never attempt to clean waterbeds with gasoline... don't ask!). Three nights of sleeping on the couch or air mattress or recliner not exactly doing wonders for Gail's chronic pain. We purchased a replacement mattress from LaBries in Sacramento, the same store we purchased the original about ten years ago. LaBries is one of the few remaining waterbed outlets left around these parts.

Our microwave died. That makes about one every year for the last five years. Gail swears that it's the popcorn that kills them. ... Mormon / Muslim... an interesting comparison... from a Google News alert I subscribe to.




Calm serenity

Rising, falling, soothing

I long for thy closeness

... ocean

:Bobby Nichols
circa October 2004


The above poem was created hurriedly during an exercise in our "Gospel Principles" class a number of Sabbaths ago when we were studying "Developing our Talents", chapter 34. My poem had to be about the ocean. The structure of each poem was the same for all. It was wonderful to hear the other creations by the rest of the class.

A few of the principles of the lesson were: we all have talents; by showing our talents and good works we please God... that Heavenly Father will bless us if we use our talents wisely, especially if we use them to benefit others; we can overcome our weaknesses through practice and perseverance... and turn our weaknesses into strengths; and... we will be "judged" according to our works.

Tjada !!! ... (without the circle do-hickey over the last 'a'!!!)


Thursday, February 03, 2005

... a test to see if this posts.

I'm having many difficulties with the email posting and want to see if ANYTHING posts!!!

Back in a bit !!!


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