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Tuesday, September 30, 2003

"Every child is an artist, the problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up."

- Pablo Picasso

I venture to add, with apology and utmost respect, "or she" to Señor Picasso's quotation ( "... once he or she grows up." I answered a message board posting on the main "Call For Help" board headed "talent" the other day from lanimas55 ( Marty ) in New Zealand. He has a grand-daughter who is artistically inclined and he wants to nurture her talent. I proffered as a good place to visit for ideas.

Googled a bit. Found a decent quotation site ( although the URL may seem a little misleading... quote sex change ?... quotes exchange !!! ) and a site for saying "Good Bye" in many languages to help with my blogging. Ya' didn't think I knew all this stuff by rôte did you ? A smattering of French and German and Spanish is the best I can do after 3 years of French and German ( each ) in school... and my Spanish... muy poco.

Did th e-mail thing and spent time on Da Boards and perusing the news. I've been trying to define who has access to the Do-Not-Call-List that telemarketers may have to abide by, by and by. Watched "Call For Help" on TechTv... interesting segment on patenting an item. I "crashed and burned" on the daily CFH site quiz... "Who is the only U.S. President to receive a patent?...

1) George Washington 2) Thomas Jefferson 3) Abraham Lincoln 4) Ronald Reagan " The answer will be back-wards near the end of the post.

No truck. Larry, my father-in-law, grousing about always using his truck to haul to the dumps the accumulated "stuff" of five families here on the property. Larry - always the martyr... never the martyred. Need a truck...

Watched the majority of "The Fellowship of the Ring" on DSS for the umteith time. As of late I watch up to the point where Galadriel is tempted by the ring... and denies it. In the other Tolkien writings Galadriel is preoccupied with acquiring power... and will never be allowed into the West, Fairæ, until her lust is quelled. I find this the most poignant part of the movie and writings. Galadriel's passion for power is skillfully portrayed in the movie without her previous history noted... very moving to me.

         The Hunter

     Stalking the wood
     where I know
     they oft pass

     Dusk falling quickly
     warm Autumn day
     light breeze wafting

     Down wind approach
     I can smell
     them, so close

     Camouflaged, they hide
     but I see
     most easily enough

     For they noise
     when movement made
     though slight, seen

     Preoccupied they seem
     lying in wait
     for unknown reason

     Through the brush
     I wend silent
     toward my quarry

     Unnoticed, nigh there
     excitedly I attack
     blood lust complete

     Satiated I leave
     to find water...
     lay my eggs

     : Bobby Nichols 9/30/2003

The poem is my imagery of a mosquito stalking a group of deer hunters in the woods, who have already staked out their ground awaiting their quarry. Best to not wear dark clothing, camouflaged, on a warm dusky eve, in the Autumn, in the wood, near water... anymore.

CFH Quiz answer: nlocniL maharbA

Hasta sa masunod atong pagkita !

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