Thursday, September 11, 2003
Warm, sunny, 90 degrees Fahrenheit, or so... typical Summer day here in the foothills.
Funny... been tag teaming e-mail between my sister Debi and myself. Reiterated the BLOG's existence. Tried to convey some 'puter wisdom re: firewall, anti-virus, Microsoft updates, etc. Did get a bit of data regarding my Dad's bio I wrote up, from her. Still, I know I have inaccuracies... will weed them out one by one.
The day started out with Gail's van having a flat tire. My nephew was kind enough to put on that bloody small spare tire the car manufacturers give. We toodled at 45 MPH max to our first stop in Cameron Park... then back to Walmart in Placerville ( the Big City ), to have the tire patched. After waiting one and a half hours for the patch ( we had left to get lunch ), we returned and were told "yes, we can put the tire on your van... but it will be another 3-4 hours to get to it". The parking lot had adequate shade where we were parked so I changed the tire myself. Damn! the lug-nuts were so hot I needed a rag to insulate my hand from burning. Took only a few minutes and we were headed for "The Divide", where we live.
Tudogs has a link to Zen Garden which showcases CSS for web construction and I'll leave it thus... beautiful stuff. I aspire to such beauty of creation.
Gotta go... someone needs to use the phone... bye !