Saturday, October 18, 2003
Do not meddle in the affairs of cats, for they are subtle and will piss on your computer.
--Bruce Graham
The World Series starts tonight ! Yankees vs. Fishies !
Read that David Wells and Roger Clemens and coach Mel Stottlemyre , three Yankees pitchers past and present, paid homage to Babe Ruth beneath his plaque... toasting him with champagne in honor of " The Curse"... quite fitting.
I posted my poem " The Curse, revisited... 2003 " on a "tech" thread on Da Boards that saluted ( and degraded ), the Yanks come from behind game 7 win in the ALCS... just thought it was appropriate.
Read on Da Boards tonight that cat pee glows under blacklight... Unfortunately on re-checking the link, the posting has been deleted
It's amazing what one can learn in a computer/tech forum... also explains why my keyboard glows under blacklight... Hmmm!
These are my cats, as God bear me witness... Please Lord grant the remaining un-neutered cats be caught and " fixed ".
                 Cats !!!
: Bobby Nichols 10/18/2003
Ka omesia !
* sigh ! ... may have missed one or two.
The two Silly Cats, Sillies One and Two
Three new kittens who've yet to be named
Roo, now the oldest, originally named Spice
and Mommy Kitty, short hair, black, with tail
Smoke our long haired gray cat, nicknamed... Moke
Spooky, named so, because he was born a year ago
another unnamed short haired black kitten... untamed
Then there's Momma Kitty, black long hair with no tail
And Middy Night, the hunter, again bob-tailed, and black
Missy, another short haired female black kitty... but fixed
and one I call Kenny Cat, one inherited from my brother-in-law
Then there's Figaro, all white and black, who sleeps with me in bed
and Taffy-doodles, all black and white, who guards the cat food at night
Precious, presented to me as a kitten on Father's Day, many years in the past