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Monday, October 20, 2003

It has yet to be proven that intelligence has any survival value.
--Arthur C. Clarke

The Yankees lose game 1... Juan Pierre !

THE YANKEES WIN GAME 2 !!! " Godzilla " Matsui and Pettitte !!!

The 49er's win ???... Raiders play Monday Night.

I accidentally "lost" Chrissy's car keys and made her dreadfully late for work. I thought they were Gail's keys and hung them up on the ring I always use for Gail's keys... we still don't know where Gail's keys are... sigh.

Since I drove Chrissy to work, I went on a mission to find a belt to wear... six stores and no luck... size moose not in season !!! I did pick up two bales of hay for the horses and a locking gas cap for Gail's car so as not to waste a trip out to the big city, Placerville.

Stopped and asked for my $50 USD back from the owner of the Mitsubishi truck I coveted... and received a check for said amount... YEAH ! No truck, but out no money.

Did I mention I've been watching the World Series, albeit with poor reception... no DSS or cable... just " rabbit ears " attached to the toob. Every time Gail moves the TV - I need to reconfigure the positioning of the TV and " rabbit ears " and other bits of wire to hang over the curtain rods in the bedroom to facilitate reception... very techy !

David's team won their soccer game ! This time David, my grandson, didn't score a goal for the other team, although he was removed for a while for sliding into players and not playing the ball. I haven't seen a game of his this season yet... gotta get my butt out there and watch. His dad, Richard, is one of the soccer coaches this season and is getting quite a workout himself keeping the kids going in the right direction.

Added my poem " The Curse, revisited... 2003 " to the side bar ------->>>
nothing fancy other than a tiled GIF I whipped up, and no tunes to accompany... maybe later.

Byvajcie !

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