Saturday, November 22, 2003
" Cats and music are the antidotes to life's miseries "
--Albert Schweitzer
No snow... yet. Soon ? The weather was very sunny ! with the clouds piling up against the Sierras. Coming back from Sacramento Gail and I could see snow dusting the higher mountains.
Our cat " Roo " ( AKA " Spice " ) died. He was about 15 years old and in ill health. The " story " is somehow " Roo " managed to get in the way of my in-law's dog, " Sky "( AKA " Boing " or " Boing-Boing " ), an Alaskan Husky, as they were trying to walk the dog on a leash. Gail and I discovered him near death when we arrived home - " Roo " unattended and not able to move much. Gail, who had raised him since he was a kitten found near Mission Peak in Fremont, CA, broke down into tears and sobs. David, my (7) year old grandson, who was with Gail's stallion, " Saudi ", came by shortly thereafter and broke down a bit, crying, upon seeing the poor kitty. " Roo " passed quickly and we buried him at the base of our French Plum tree... flowers to be planted about his resting place.
No-mas-dey ! or "Goodbye" from Khatmandu, Nepal