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Friday, December 12, 2003

"Because reality hardly seems real, why assume that dreams are really dreams?"
--Saigo Takamori, 'The Last Samurai' ( 1827-1877 )

Phew ! Finally a BLOG session !!!

Bought a pedometer at Walmart.

Debi's e-mail(s): will respond... trying to bloody catch up with things, still.

Hallmark card to nephew Matt from sister Debi... couldn't have said it better myself.

Da Boards: trying to bloody catch up with them too !

RE: I'm going to set up Gail's new eMachines 2800+ on Saturday the 6th... finished on Sunday... agonized mostly on situating what meager furniture we had into a small footprint. Next... internet connection ( need to set up new phone line ), zonealarm, AVG, Microsoft updates... " Sponge Bob Square-pants " mouse pad ? ... gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!

Installed Windows XP on mother-in-laws 'puter. Good upgrade for her from WIN98... although she had XP for a short while: before some *&^%##@ ( not me ) wiped it and told her that XP was incompatible with her computer after finding beaucoup virii from previous owner KAZAA use. As usual... problems with setting up her internet. This time ( again ) looks like the phone lines and not the software nor the network configuration. Tried the Earthlink 2004 setup, which was pretty much a breeze to set up.

WON A TECHTV T-SHIRT !!! Sizes too small for me ... go figger... would think an XXXL-Tall would work nicely in their selection. Received the XL and presented to Gail, my wife. Thank you TechTv !!!

Cool viewing: " Battlestar Gallactica "'s latest incarnation; " 2001 "; " The Time Machine " circa 1960 version.

Ngali añdja ngurba !

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