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Saturday, December 13, 2003

" One word frees us of all the weight and pain in life. That word is love. "

Whither the weather: O'cast and threatening rain, ground still soaked from yesterday's rain.

Friday night Chrissy's key broke off in the SUV. Gail and I drove in the rain to Placerville with one headlight working in the rain limping along as best we could in the dark to pick her up. Stopped at Kragen Auto, for our van, where the nice clerk sold us the correct part and even installed the lamp so we could get home easier... cool ! Chrissy picked up her SUV on Saturday after getting key made.

Da Boards: Read only... damn, I know so little ! Learn, learn, learn. Faster !

Still problems with setting up Mother-in-law's internet. Phone lines checked and minor problem fixed ( water )... No joy with Earthlink's Tech Support who suggested I call Gateway re: issues with their modems. Gateway had on record that the 'puter was no longer on service and suggested a 1-900 number ( can you say: 'gimme the money ?' ). Modem or software or config between two now left ?

update...( a little later )
: Remembered I had an AOL 9.0 disk given to me by Mrs. Cameron and popped it into my Mother-in-law's 'puter... Damned if it didn't connect right off the 'git-go', [ ie: It connected with no hassles or problems at all !!! ] Candy is forthwith ( and fivewith and sixwith and... ) canceling Earthlink's service. The only caveat is I used MY credit card ( VISA account# 5555-5555-5555-5555 expires 5/05 ) as a reference for the trial period billing setup. Well... 60 days free AOL for Candy to check it out and change the billing.

New phone line works for Gail... internet setup next. Hope the Earthlink setup goes better with THIS setup !!! BTB: I have Earthlink on my WIN98SE 'puter... and love it ! No clue what's going on otherwise.

Received an interesting e-mail from Robin, my youngest sibling. I take no credit and have no knowledge of whom should benefit from copyright... soooooooooooooooooooooo:

Subject: Fw: An explanation of a Christmas carol.........
Date: Saturday, December 13, 2003 1:56 PM

" The Twelve Days Of Christmas "

" There is one Christmas Carol that has always baffled me. What in the world do leaping lords, French hens, swimming swans, and especially the partridge who won't come out of the pear tree have to do with Christmas?

From 1558 until 1829, Roman Catholics in England were not permitted to practice their faith openly. Someone during that era wrote this carol as a catechism song for young Catholics. It has two levels of meaning: the surface meaning plus a hidden meaning known only to members of their church.

Each element in the carol has a code word for a religious reality, which the children could remember.

The partridge in a pear tree was Jesus Christ.

Two turtledoves were the Old and New Testaments.

Three French hens stood for faith, hope and love.

The four calling birds were the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke & John.

The five golden rings recalled the Torah or Law, the first five books of the Old Testament.

The six geese a-laying stood for the six days of creation.

Seven swans a-swimming represented the sevenfold gifts of the Holy Spirit: Prophesy, Serving, Teaching, Exhortation, Contribution, Leadership, and Mercy..

The eight maids a-milking were the eight beatitudes.

Nine ladies dancing were the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self Control.

The ten lords a-leaping were the ten commandments.

The eleven pipers piping stood for the eleven faithful disciples.

The twelve drummers drumming symbolized the twelve points of belief in the Apostles' Creed.

So there is your history for today. This knowledge was shared with me and I found it interesting and enlightening and now I know how that strange song became a Christmas Carol ... so pass it on if you wish. "

... Done and done.

*note: All the recipients ( many ) were cc:'d instead of bcc:'d... ripe for e-mail address harvesting... yipes !

4:00 p.m. PST: OK... Pedometer on... start at 00000 steps... let's rock !!!

10:00 p.m. PST... 85 (?) steps taken (?)... guess I need to calibrate my hips a bit.

G^is baldau^ !

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