Thursday, January 22, 2004
" As I was going up the stair,
I met a man who was not there,
he wasn't there again today,
I wish that man would go away. "
-- Hugh Mearns, poem "The Psychoed".
Da Boards... fed horses... e-mail... picked up a bunch of junk accumulating behind the house, and dumped in a pile in the driveway for now... cleaned up the "office" a bit... Da Boards... deleted extraneous bitsies on the desktop and moved others to folders to consolidate.
Tried a Shockwave Jig Saw Puzzle creating program that's free for a few more days. Sent one to my sister Debi... but attempts thereafter failed. Maybe I need to clean out my cache again ?
Talked to Mom on Monday for a bit... her MAC still not internetin'. Need to send her snail mails of my ars poetica ad nauseum, and verbiage platitudinous. A plethora of effluvia only a mother could love ;) She giggled at some of the anagrams I created for her birthday, politely... I must make more !!!
I'll downgrade the home situation to YELLOW alert status... Richard and Chrissy now considering to fix up my brother-in-law Kenny's abandoned trailer already on the property. Costs may run high for repairs, so we'll see. Kenny signed an informal release for Richard releasing all claim to the trailer... as a precaution.
Ashley, my 3-years old grand-daughter, has been using the 'hate' word or 'stupid' word to all and sundry if she doesn't get her way of late. She can throw a tantrum like nothing I've ever seen. Then it's 'I love you' if she gets her way.
C'ya when the (J-K) flip-flops !!!