Tuesday, January 20, 2004
" Oh, mirror in the sky
What is love
Can the child within my heart rise above
Can I sail through the changing ocean tides
Can I handle the seasons of my life "
--Stevie Nicks, lyrics to "Landslide"... a link !!!, 1975
... is it really that old ?
Has it really been a week since I last posted ? Nah !
Kerry wins Iowa. I'm still pulling for Clark, who bypassed Iowa for N.H..
Immanent/emanant Episcopalian schism in the news... doesn't help my search for greater faith much.
Googled Mormon references... Da Boards... fed horses... updated anti-virus and spyware killers.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on Monday... the grandkid's cartoon channel even alluded to the fact in a number of spots.
Cartoons: " Wands and wings / floaty crowny things "... " Fairly Odd Parents " - Cosmo's eyes are green and Wanda's are pink... and I swear Cosmo has had two distinctly different voices. And yes, Gary is still my favorite character in " Sponge Bob Square-pants "... FYI: Gary is an underwater snail that meows and can tie shoe-laces with his " mouth ".
A cryptic e-mail... a seemingly random series of $1 - $10 USD words both in the header and the body of an e-mail mis-sent to me ? My feeble analysis ( anagram and dictionary search ) yields a most strange portent:
woodworm descension steeple believer subtilie cleanly = [WORMY/HOLEY WOOD DISAGREEMENT IN TOWER OF CHURCH WORSHIPER searching TO BRING IN PURER STATE]
ambiloquy places = [DOUBTFUL OR AMBIGUOUS LANGUAGE IN A PASSAGE BEING READ]... LOL ! That's for sure !
refluent savoriness nozzle gueridon revamp malathion tridacna tauromachy beaconfire impurity = [RETURNING / PLEASANT FLAVOR / SPOUT FOR POURING LIQUID / STURDY ROUND TABLE / MAKE NEW / POISON USED TO CONTROL INSECTS / GIANT CLAMS / BULLFIGHTING / VISUAL SIGNAL / worthless material that should be removed ]
caldron effortless braced follows polyester = [POT USED TO BOIL / EASY / positioned so as to be ready for confrontation or danger / AS AGREED / SYNTHETIC CLOTH]
or = [Lord can feel frost (bird) ol' wolfs proselyte]... anagram?
razzia rearm begum buen laconian erbium bunko leisureiy garrulus mighty = [A plundering and destructive incursion / ARM AGAIN / a Muslim woman of high rank in India or Pakistan / BURN?GOOD? / a resident of Laconia / a trivalent metallic element of the rare earth group; occurs with yttrium / SWINDLE / WHENEVER / JAYBIRD / having or showing great strength or force or intensity]
... maybe I just don't have the platen for the code à la L. Ron Hubbard's deca-ology ??? Wish I could make up this kind of stuff ! Nothing, of course, but an interesting exercise/diversion none the less. Pondering how to respond to sender ( actually a person [or person spoofing a person] found in a Google search from Glide Memorial Church in S.F. - most curious )... hmmmmmmmm .
My In-laws are selling their malamute puppies. I've taken some pictures and e-mailed them to one buyer. Need to re-do Candy's website since she lost hers when she switched from Earthlink to AOL.
Broke another chair I've been using when 'puting... I know I've gained weight since September in grand fashion... but sheeeesh !
" Office " a mess, still. Barely room for the kitty cats to hop about in search for snoozing spots.
Gonna' post this and then hit Da Boards one more time and knock off some more e-mail I've accumulated by inattention.
Holllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!... a link !