Wednesday, February 18, 2004
" Excellence is to do a common thing in an uncommon way. "
--Booker T. Washington... a link !!!
Late night poetry and surfing while it's quiet... shhhhhhhhhhhh !
My entries... " Poetry in Motion" daily contest:
Ad Astra...
The stars wait
never to be crossed
lest we go beyond
the need for
:Bobby Nichols 2-18-2004
The Garden Path... Not
The garden's path wends
much too uninspiredly laid
I seek the obscure
:Bobby Nichols 2-17-2004
" Ad Astra... "... well, it 'sounded' good... a bit of the Sci-Fi reading rubbing off on me or must be reading to much into " Strings and Things "... a link !!! ( also on sidebar over ---> that way ---> ) ... String and Super-String Theory is WAY over my head, but fascinating just the same.
" The Garden Path... Not "... a Haiku: I do not wish to be " led down the garden path ", though a trite colloquial expression... true. I'd rather take the offbeat path in search of treasures unplanned and hitherto unexplored. As a child I loved to wander the environs beyond our home... ( my Grandfather Nichols' house on N.W. 107th street where I and my parents and two brothers and two sisters lived when Grandpa moved to Alaska after the death of my Grandmother Nina in '55, in Seattle )... to Carkeek Park: Link-1... Link-2... Link-3... you get the idea. At this time in my wanderings... let's see in 1962, before we moved out of this idyllic paradise, I was 8-years of age and younger, usually wandering with my friend Paul, a year older than I, or my brother Jim ( grudgingly - he a year younger than I ) or mostly by myself. Gullies and streams and nettles and skunk-cabbage and willows and trains and an old tugboat? inland on someone's private property ( who never knew we played in it ) and the shoreline bedecked with squirting cherry-stone clams and the sand sometimes getting so hot ( yes, even in Seattle ) that you didn't want to be barefoot in the sand and star fish and shells and driftwood and rocks and
GOD ! WHAT A GREAT TIME AND PLACE TO BE A KID !!!... but I digress... NOT !My brain babblith over... post this puppy !
Adieu, mes amis !!!