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Thursday, February 12, 2004

" The moving finger writes, and having written moves on. Nor all thy piety nor all thy wit, can cancel half a line of it. "

--Omar Khayyam

Omar Khayyam should have used a word processor... or am I missing the point ?

Ashley is sick. The little darling miserable and coughing. She went with my daughter, Chrissy, to her work and then went to the doctor when help arrived.

Gail off with her friend Karen today... should make for a good 'girl's day out'... a chance to yak away... away.

Continued updating Windows XP on Gail's computer... takes bloody forever !

My entries... " Poetry in Motion" daily contest:


                   Empty days not found

                   where love

                           and laughter

                   fills the void

                   :Bobby Nichols 2-11-2004


                   My prayers

                   to God

                   soft-spokenly said

                   reflect His love

                   warm Light

                   living in me

                   :Bobby Nichols 2-12-2004

              Tropical Depression

        Palmed islets witness

        Tropical moodiness change

        Dark storm gathering

        :Bobby Nichols 2-11-2004

              Alpine Spring

        Springtime blossoms nigh

        Blue lake placid as the sky

        Alpen mountains shine

        :Bobby Nichols 2-12-2004

" Fulfilment  "... this poem probably the most difficult for me to discern from the 'tiles' given. Of course not finding any peace and quiet anywhere didn't help.
" Prayer  "... had to re-do from scratch because someone had to use the phone and the first submission was lost... need broadband !!!

" Tropical Depression  "... a Haiku: inspiration given by a photo with palm fronds above framing the sky a bit, the view overlooking some small islands with more palms on them... the sky dark and threatening except a bit of light illuminating through nearby dense white clouds in the above center sky.
" Alpine Spring  "... a Haiku: White flowers in the foreground overlooking an azure lake nestled in an Alpine setting; the sky an amazing blue.

Doskoro !!!

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