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Tuesday, February 10, 2004

" Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye. "

--H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

No walk yesterday... I was so bent that the horses were already fed and someone neglected to tell me... that I didn't take the walk. It's a small matter, but I have to gather the hay and walk it down the hill to the lower pasture only to lug it back up the hill on the discovery... blah blah blah. Once I had regained my composure I realized that it was a favor done... the communication just failed. The walk would have been therapeutic in retrospect.

Stayed up all night... Googling, BLOGGING, Poetry, and Da Boards.

My entries... " Poetry in Motion" daily contest:


                   Devouring hope

                   primal trappings

                   of death wait

                   inside my mind

                   Dark and cold

                   a dreamscape

                   of shadows

                   :Bobby Nichols 2-10-2004

              Shallow Fording

        The stream humour bent

        Provides the stepstones slippy

        A soaking proffer'd

        :Bobby Nichols 2-10-2004

More warm and fuzzy poems... " Dysphoria "  is the state of ABNORMAL depression... 'nuff said about that ! Were the 'tiles' darker than usual ?

" Shallow Fording " , a Haiku, is a whimsical piece... the stream in this case offering its own stones to the casual who wish to cross, only to wish the unsuspecting a slippery soaking for their efforts. We have just such a stream not far from home that I have experience with.

Ugh ! Typos in yesterday's Haiku !! "streatch" instead of stretch and "tendral" for tendril... poetic license indeed. I'll edit when I install the poem on the collection page that is in the works.

Family awake... best to post.

Cuio mae !!!

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