Friday, March 05, 2004
" Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. "
--Marcel Proust
Gail and I voted on Super-Tuesday ! Proposition(s) 57 & 58 most on our minds... both for.
Daffodils !! Full moon before sunset ! Sierra's shining with snow... 134% of normal snow pack and/or water content... or something. Weather in the upper 60°'s Friday... with the forecast for 70°'s and higher for the next (5) days. Beautiful !!!
Gail and Chrissy to go to the Bay Area ( Union City, CA ) to pick up my sister-in-law Geri in the early a.m. on Saturday. I warned them not to worry about missing my Baptism, but rather to drive safely and sanely. My grandkids will be with them, too.
Spent the last of my meager savings on new underwear, a shirt, and tie. Gail repaired two pair of black slacks that still fit me ( 54" waist... groan ! ) We also picked up two desk chairs for sitting upon while computing ( with ample room for our derrières ) for $5 USD each at a thrift shop.
My entries... " Poetry in Motion" daily contest: A rather interesting SNAFU while contending for the phone. Both my daughter Chrissy and I with 9 p.m. PST ( 12 a.m. EST ) deadlines to accomplish a task... both computers needing online access, except she needed my line to talk while she was also online with Gail's computer, as I sat offline completing my poetry entry. At what I was soon to find out as about 9:01 p.m. PST, Chrissy finished and I submitted my poem that I had been laboring on for the better part of (4) hours and was rewarded with a confirmation of gobblety-gook for the NEXT day's entry. My coherent entry somehow tile-for-tile swapped with random tiles from the next day ? Go figger ! Better to have been informed that the entry was late and start afresh on the next offering... but noooo !... I'll print both. Gail said " who knows ?, maybe the ( SNAFU ) poem will win ! "
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lest silence
:Bobby Nichols 3-5-2004
groanIIl toes
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done something's
:Bobby Nichols 3-5-2004
Light-orchid daisies
Sun kissed, they're faces gladdened
Butterflies cavort
:Bobby Nichols 3-5-2004
" Secrets "... this poem was late by maybe (1) minute - missed the deadline of 9:00 p.m. PST ( not 9:00 p.m. EST as I stated erroneously in a recent BLOG ). Just trying to get back into the " swing of things ". The tiles were predominately French words or bits of French words. With only (3) years of French study... many years ago with no practice since, I wasn't up to the challenge by far. So... I gleaned what I could from the remaining meager supply of tiles and did as best I could. Would have preferred tympani over tympano ( singular form of tympani/timpani ) but couldn't arrange the tiles in that direction. I may edit the poem further, prior to re-introducing on the new poetry page in the works.
" SNAFU "... This is a poem ??? - Actually, it's better than some of my offerings done by purpose, LOL !
" Daisies "... a Haiku: I toyed with " their " and " they're " back and forth and decided " they're " gave more feeling to the poem; though in retrospect, if the poem were to be 'read to' one rather than 'read by' one, the effect would most likely be lost... sigh ! Some ambiguity also may arise re: the butterflies, but hey... it's not the bloody " Epic of Gilgamesh " !!!... a link !!!
E liya gbamu !!!