Tuesday, April 20, 2004
" Chaos often breeds life, when order breeds habit. "
--Henry Brooks Adams... a link ! (1838-1918)
Grandson of John Quincy Adams, Henry Brooks Adams was an US historian, author ( Pulitzer prize for " Education of Henry Adams " )... possibly an ancestor of mine. Also by Henry Brooks Adams: " Philosophy: unintelligible answers to insoluble problems. " and " A friend in power is a friend lost. "
Blue Men group... Venus Hum... Dave Mathews: all on a free-for-view on the telly in the same show. Most impressive ! Mostly high energy rock with LOTS of percussion. Gail even enjoyed the show !
Allergies alleviated a bit... rain a few days... mostly in the form of " Seattle Sunshine ".
My daughter's trailer lookin' good. Luckily, all the outside work was completed before the rains came.
My entries... " Poetry in Motion" daily contest:
Know ye !
That hope is
found in Prayer
Love is upon you
knowing He
:Bobby Nichols 4-20-2004
Dark Days
Dark clouds gathering
The day already sunless
What portent forebodes ?
:Bobby Nichols 4-20-2004
Bunnies !
White ravenous beast
assails the lone red flower
Beware of bunnies !
:Bobby Nichols 4-20-2004
" Proclamation "... I always wanted to proclaim something... and the 'tiles' allowed me thus.
" Dark Days "... a Haiku: " portent forebodes "... redundant ? The photo for inspiration(?) was a gloomy day with dark clouds at the end of day... really perked up my spirits ! A slight typo, evidently: forbodes should have been forebodes... corrected here.
" Bunnies ! "... a Haiku: Bunnies... fear them !
Tot kijk !!!