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Monday, May 17, 2004

" La distance n'y fait rien; il n'y a que le premier pas qui coûte. "

" The distance is nothing; it is only the first step that is difficult. "

--Madame du Deffand... a link !!!

More from Madame du Deffand: " What more would you have? He ( Voltaire ) has invented history. "

Jim & Pam, my brother and his significant other, were kind enough to pick me up in Garden Valley after they had flown into Sacramento Int'l. Airport and rented a car, a red convertible Mustang. My attempt to rent a car had been stymied, and until Jim's offer late Thursday afternoon to pick me up on Friday, I had resigned myself to taking a bus from Auburn to Modesto, a four hour trip. Had a nice visit with Jim and Pam during our traveling about. My return trip was most fortuitous as well... I arrived at the airport in Sacramento with Jim and Pam for their return flight and only had to wait an hour with them for my in-laws... who were dropping off my sister-in-law Glenda for her return to Arizona after spending Mother's Day, here, in Garden Valley.

Mandy's wedding !!! Absolutely wonderful ! Mandy looked like an Angel in her wedding dress, her husband looking dapper in his best which included a Disney tie. The site of the wedding was an 1890's school house out in the country... the wedding held outdoors on a cool breezy Spring day. I met people I hadn't seen in thirty years from Mandy's paternal family side. How my sister Debi, Mandy's mother, managed to pull everything together is most incomprehensible. Pictures ! Need to add to the _family website !

Peg & John & Sasha... I spent three glorious nights at my sister Peg's home. Peg and my brother-in-law John are in constant home-remodeling mode, renovation their early 1950's house to suit their more modern tastes. Sasha, my sixteen year old niece, a very sensitive and intelligent young lady, was a very gracious host(ess) in her own right.
Read a book that Peg had and recommended I read. Fast reading so I completed it easily. The title, " For the Love of God " was easier to remember in French, " Pour l'amour de' Dieu ", than in English, because the title was the last line of a French children's song ( " Au Clair De La Lune " ) I had learned as a child. Many insights into spirituality contributed by quite an eclectic group of personages including: The Dali Lama and Sister Teresa.
Guitar fantasy !!! Peg gave me my nephew's electric guitar ( surprise ! ). I've already purchased a low cost 'How-To' book and a cheap shoulder strap. Keeping my eyes open for a used LOW cost amplifier to hook the guitar up to.

Talked to Mom on Mother's Day. She sent me three shirts in a care package that fit great on my great girth... two warm weather fleece and a casual blue shirt... thanks Mom !!!

TechTv merger FAQ. Dropped by ' Da Boards ' for a look see, something I've been doing less and less, to read up on the goin's on. The merger will wreck a bit of havoc with programming that I like to watch, especially " Call For Help " which: gave me the basics to purchase this computer ( three years ago ) and maintain it, and direct me to freeware to get the applications I needed, and so many other things. I sincerely wish all the personalities well. I've grown to think of them as part of my extended family. Thank you TechTv !!! Changes to go into effect May 28th

The past week in a blur... King's basketball on the tube, as well as the other exciting playoff games. Allergies. Moderate Spring weather. Sci-Fi movies on the tube. Too much tube and not much else. I guess I'm a bit down on returning home after the visit with my brother and sisters and nieces and nephews at Mandy's wedding. Missed my brother Robin, who couldn't make it down for the wedding. My left foot arch still smarting... I've resigned myself to no walking until it feels better. Time out from poetry for a bit.

Gail's van pooped out on us in the middle of Sacramento this Thursday... $190.00 USD towing fee home... ruptured oil pan... again. Too much speed on a non-advertised dip in the road. The first two tow truck drivers, both a bit smarmy, left us high and dry... one upping his price $65.00 USD after Gail took a bit of time to make some calls to get parts quotes and figure out where we were going to get towed to, the other telling us on arrival that he only took cash. The third tow-wer was quite affable and allowed us to stop at our bank for cash, though his initial quote of $150.00 USD blossomed to the $190.00 USD final fee once we arrived home. Seems he hadn't realized how far out in the 'boonies' we lived... his poor truck straining the clutch on all of the hairpin turns and grades. Gail's new towing service would not pay any of the towing bill at all since the problem wasn't electrical in nature and/or was cause by a road hazard... figgers. Her old service would have paid, but went with her recent change of cell phone carriers. The new service soon to be replaced.

Chrissy, my daughter, and her little family have been moving their 'stuff' into the remodeled trailer home. Carpet and tile down, painting done... looks great ! They've still work to do but have been sleeping there for the past few nights. Work on the plumbing, sinks and shower... cleanup outside... and other odds-n-ends needed.

My in-laws have all their puppies, Shiba Inu's, sold before they can be loosed from their mother. We still have two kittens that need good homes... and a number of adult cats that need to be neutered/spayed.

My entries... " Poetry in Motion" daily contest:

The Gulls

Seagulls meander

before my gaze

Mocking me beneath...

laughing their mastery

of the sky

:Bobby Nichols



Eventide's approach

Viewed 'neath palms' lush canopy

Tropical calm sets

:Bobby Nichols 5-17-2004

" The Gulls  "... the contest burped out a blank confirmation after I submitted the entry... hope it survived the ether.

" Eventide "... a Haiku: Eventide overlooking the ocean from possibly a tropical island... the sky a scarlet-red reflecting on the water with a yellow sun just above the horizon.

Arm aged don oud'da 'ere... ciao !!!

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