Wednesday, May 05, 2004
More from Charlie Chaplin: Hamburgers and fries served up by my wife, Gail, tonight... with grilled onions... yum !
Gail took a pain or sleeping pill tonight to try to get some relief from her pain and get some rest. Everything she tries to do seems only to exacerbate her condition. I can only pray.
I'm being stalked by a mosquito right now... the spiders who share space with me aren't pulling their weight. Ten minutes later with flyswatter in hand I manage to cease her advances... making it evident that she had been, in one respect, successful.
Well ( opening myself up for retort ), a few more poems in quick fashion for the contest. I finished the previous May 5th offerings prior to the 9 p.m. PDT deadline and was able to complete for tomorrow's entries shortly thereafter... cool !!!
My entries... " Poetry in Motion" daily contest:
Sky molt'n in toto The very earth scourged Time melts .......... ended :Bobby Nichols 5-5-2004
| The Parrots :Bobby Nichols 5-5-2004 " Surcease "... Not much one can do with less than (100) 'tiles'... I did my best... a chance to use 'surcease' again... a mortal era ending ?
" The Parrots "... a Haiku: Gail exclaimed on how beautiful the photo of the Parrots was... and told me that they, birds, " are the only creatures that mate for life ". Welllllllll... as I elicit " deep thoughts " from my " shallow mind "... then lapse into silence mode...
The site I use for 'Goodbye' has been down ? So...
oooops... let's edit and try that again !!!
ttfn !!!