Wednesday, June 02, 2004
More from Booker T. Washington: Note to self: 59, or so, recent poems not in collection... need to divvy up and start on edit for "More Poems4... a collection" and "More Poems5... a collection".
"On This Day..." a link ! Cool info on this site. The Webmaster managed to eliminate the right-click function of the mouse, ostensibly, to stop the pirating of his web page code ('View Source'). All I wanted to do was right-click and select 'Back'... oh well ! Maybe I'll Google later and check out the code for the applet (to eliminate the right-click function)... probably a java script, just for giggles. He, the Webmaster, is probably paranoid about someone finding out his source for "On This Day..." or... I could care less myself.
Weather Tuesday in the upper 80°'s Fahrenheit... still humid & muggy..
Son-in-law Richard left about 5 a.m. for work in San Francisco on Tuesday. I just know he'll panic as soon as he hits the Bay Area traffic. I don't envy his travels at all.
Went to the library in Georgetown (CA) Tuesday after picking up grandson David from school, and after Gail treated us to ice cream. Ashley, granddaughter, and Gail, wife, had chocolate; David and I had strawberry. The grandkids checked out some books and a video and I surfed the web on the only internet ready computer the library has... checking out my messages on the tech board at G4/TechTV.
After the library, Gail was given a shot for pain at her doctor's appointment, being advised not to drive after. She's still quite snappish about everything.
Downloaded the newest incarnation of Spybot Search and Destroy (v1.3) from PC Good little application to rid Window's machines of spyware. I've been using an older version for quite a while in conjunction with other applications to keep my computer clean of nasties, notably: SpywareBlaster, AdAware, ZoneAlarm, and AVG Antivirus... freeware versions... kept up to date with regularity.
Downloaded another ap called IE-SpyAd for further protection on my computer after reading it discussed on the G4/TechTV Tech board. il_wiccan had noted an update for it... and I couldn't connect the dots... so I made an inquiry and was brought up to date.
374... Strange set of events. Brother Wadsworth related to me on the way to/from church on Sunday that watching the BYU channel on the telly might be worthwhile. I surfed all through my DSS provider stations and couldn't find the channel, which I supposed would be listed but blocked. Wrong. Sooooo, I checked another DSS channel showing all listings and there it was, 374, which for some reason doesn't show, being skipped, evidently, when surfing. That was Sunday/Monday. Now I did some channel surfing on Tuesday, and lo and behold there is channel 374 now listed ??? AND it wasn't blocked, allowing me to view the programming. I was led to believe that this was an addition that had to be requested and an additional fee levied. Don't know. As it is I now have the channel and will check the programming on occasion as well as watch the conferences when broadcasted... cool !!!
Retouched my animated .gif, above, of Figaro and I, using IrfanView and UnFREEz... both freeware aps. The old .gif was hurriedly put together and showed an unevenness due to the (8) individual .gifs that make up the animated .gif not being of uniform size. Since I wanted to use the same animated .gif on the Tech Boards on G4/TechTV as well I finally resized the individual .gifs to 120 X 108 each ... keeping the size down to 96 KBytes... 100 KBytes being the max for the boards.
An email from my sister Peg. She's all work, work, work. A word of encouragement on my poetry... thank you !!! She also got a kick out of my link to 'Political Cartoons' on the sidebar... I usually do too !
My entries... " Poetry in Motion " daily contest:
" Angel Attending "... a Haiku: A dark wood pictured with what appears to be an Ethereal Being with wings, shimmering, ahead. I would imagine a Faerie to be more substantial, hence a more Angelic persona in view. yon appropriate metaphorically... "distant but within sight"... of mind, body, or spirit. The path ahead strewn with obstacles to trip one up... attended by an Angel... bringing hope and guidance through the darkness...
C' ya in the funny papers !!!