Saturday, June 26, 2004
More "imagination": Gail purchased some material for a very reasonable price at a new local thrift store. I purchased a dark blue/black "Brooks Brothers" tie with but the slightest imperfection for $1.00 USD. What caught my eye was its length... suitable for one of my height of ~6' 4".
Chrissy and Richard had friends over to their place for a pool party Friday evening. They are going out Saturday night... Gail to babysit David and Ashley.
Our weather still just under average temperatures for this time of year, which should continue for another week, or so. I'm not looking forward to the near 110° Fahrenheit heat usually expected in July and August. Still a bit of snow on some of the Sierra mountains.
Cooked up a steak for myself for dinner... Gail's and my weekly treat usually, but Gail didn't feel well enough to eat. I'm feeling better. Gail's ills still keeping her from sleep. Her dogs don't help much, whining to be let out every hour or so. Luckily once I hit REM sleep AND I can breathe properly with the apnia mask I'll sleep through her constant getting in and out of bed... usually not waking until the grandkids, and/or their mother, start screaming in the morning.
My entries... " Poetry in Motion " daily contest:
" Intrin(sic) "... I thought too long on the title... generally a bad 'thing'... intrinsic... (sic). I originally came up with a poem of too many 'tiles' that I'll relate here::
" Seashore Sensibilities "... a Haiku: sensibility... My sensibilities, of course... What would be if I lived near the sea ?... might not I be closer to Thee ?
Sea ya !!!