Wednesday, November 17, 2004
More mull:
Weather: Sunday... blue skies above... perfectly cool brisk weather for short walk (20 minutes) to and from ride to church. Monday/Tuesday cool days.
I participated, my first time, in preparing the sacrament for the Sabbath. I was one of three to bless the bread and water, though I did not say either of the two prayers. This gave me a deeper testimony on the importance of the sacrament... a confirmation and renewal of covenants made to God and His Son. Later, at home, I re-re-read my manuals and the Doctrine&Covenants pertaining to the sacrament to further enlightenment. Social anxiety not too bad on my part... more a reverent solemnity.
A tweak or two to my BLOG template made... most unobtrusive.
Called Mom Sunday night, just before 9 p.m. her time. Everything's o.k. up north. Hey Mom... no pictures yet!
E-mail from my brother Robin re: a bowling tourney (ABT)... he came in 2nd on 11/13/2004 in his division... cool! I'm assuming he participated in the open division (scratch) as he's no bowling piker (can you say 200+++ average). My tourney days are long gone, I fear. I had so much enjoyment in the competition of leagues and tournaments, scratch and handicap, that it's painful to have left that part of my life hanging due to money and health. Perhaps the future bodes better.
BIG QUAKES: (From my e-mail alert notification through the bigquake mailing list.)
Firefox 1.0 (browser) has been released!!! So far only a minor hic-up here and there. Over-all I'll keep it as my default browser for now for further testing. My Opera browser seems to act up more than does Firefox... and IE6 will always be there when I need it.
Monday and Tuesday: Cutting/sawing firewood and re-routing phone lines for Gail's and my computer dial-up. For Gail's phone line this entailed crawling under the mobile home and squirming about in the still moist dirt and debris... yuck. Both lines finally finished... the firewood will (always) be an ongoing project.
Wednesday: Going to the DMV for picture and eye test to renew my driver's license... whoopee. However, it reminds me of a funny I read, probably in Reader's Digest, many years ago, about, I believe, Sammy Davis, Jr. I think it was Sammy because he had one glass eye and would have suited his humor to a "T"... but I could be wrong. Anyway... he went to take his eye test at DMV and was told to cover one eye with his hand and then read off the letters on the chart out loud. Being his good eye this caused no problem. When he was asked to read the chart with his other eye instead of trying to read the chart with his glass eye he merely took his other hand and covered the same eye again, his glass eye, and re-read the chart. By changing which hand he covered his glass eye with he gave the impression that he had changed which eye he was reading the chart with. For those not faint, or feint, of heart here's another funny I remember about a man with a glass eye and his proctologist... It's funny what one's memory and the right key words typed into Google can find for you! And yes, going to the DMV is a pain in the gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus!!!
Happy Birthday Melanie !!!... wherever you are.
My entries... " Poetry in Motion " daily contest:
"BumbleBee " a Haiku: "... I love bumblebees. I could watch them for hours. I graced a poem some time ago titled "A Sunday Spring Walk... in Garden Valley", entered in a BLOG session on May 2, 2004, with a short observation of a whimsical bumblebee trying to take sustenance from a clover flower. The picture for inspiration today shows a bumblebee lit on some purple lupin flowers with a backdrop of leafy green.
Matcaci !!!...