Monday, November 01, 2004
"A man calumniated is doubly injured - first by him who utters the calumny, and then by him who believes it." - Herodotus
"Be thou as chaste as ice, as pure as snow, thou shalt not escape calumny." - William Shakespeare
"Calumny is only the noise of madmen." - Diogenes of Sinope
"It is harder to kill a whisper than even a shouted calumny." - Mary Stewart
Gail's sick with a cold or such. Neither of us sleeping well.
Weather, etc... rain here off and on... snow just up the hill in Georgetown, CA on Wednesday when I drove to a lesson at church. Then fair and blue skies Sunday-Monday. I managed a walk of about 3-miles on Tuesday, just short of 6-miles on Thursday, and a walk to my ride to church of just less than 1-mile on Sunday.
PRESIDENTIAL RACE: Four years ago, nearly, I, a registered Republican, voted for Al Gore to take America into the future... a seemingly bright future without an inkling of what to come on September 11, 2001. That future, though naive, may still come to pass once those who are hungry are fed... those who live in fear, fear no more... those that are hurt or sick have health care...
Continued earthquakes ( see previous post ) 10/27/2004 01:40 M 6.0* WEST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN Z= 15km 37.27N 138.82E ( * revised from initial 5.7 Richter )
I read an SF short story recently by none other than The Steve Allen titled "The Public Hating"... the link is an interesting treatise to the power of hatred, though I do not ascribe to all of the author's conclusions.
Red Sox win the world series as the moon turns to blood (during a full lunar eclipse). I don't believe in signs of portent, but hey... it's not as if the Cubbies won.
My entries... " Poetry in Motion " daily contest:
"Passage " a Haiku: "... Transition from day to night... a journey. I could have been more warm and fuzzy, I guess. I liken the imagery to the finality of the day... only to be reborn on the morrow.
" Syzygy "... I didn't actually submit this poem... I made a rough draft and ran out of time after I discovered I used a word that was not amongst the 'tiles'... the offending word: "before". My "Funk and Wagnalls Standard desk Dictionary", the one my wife's dog "Poop" tried to eat, gives one definition of a "sylph" as: "an imaginary being, mortal but without a soul, living in the air". "Syzygy" lends itself to be an interesting metaphorical title... and besides, I was hung up on obscure "S" words at the time starting with the lookup of "sylvan".