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Monday, December 13, 2004

"Always observe how ephemeral and worthless human things are. Pass then through this little space of time conformable to nature, and end thy journey in content, just as an olive falls off when it is ripe, blessing nature who produced it, and thanking the tree on which it grew."

--Marcus Aurelius

More 'blessings':

  • "Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some." - Charles Dickens

  • "To those leaning on the sustaining infinite, today is big with blessings." - Mary Baker Eddy

  • "We look forward to the time when the Power of Love will replace the Love of Power. Then will our world know the blessings of Peace." - William E. Gladstone

  • "A contented mind is the greatest blessing a man can enjoy in this world." - Joseph Addison

  • "Every burden is a blessing." - Robert H. Schuller

  • "Death may be the greatest of all human blessings." - Socrates

  • "God will not permit any troubles to come upon us, unless He has a specific plan by which great blessing can come out of the difficulty." - Peter Marshall

Weather: Gorgeous Sabbath day and Monday!!! Mostly sunny days ranging from 50° to 60° temps. Had two wonderful walks, to and from my ride to church... short-sleeve shirt weather walkin'.

I've been ordained an Elder to the Melchizedek Priesthood... more spiritual growth... and responsibility. May I be worthy. Next Sabbath I'm looking forward to my Patriarchal blessing.

My newly updated AVG anti-virus ap picked up two incidents of the VerifierBug.class Trojan/virus. It wouldn't quarantine them, for some reason, but I already had the Microsoft patch, 816093, that pertained to stopping the home page hijack, and other exploits?, taking advantage of Microsoft's Java engine. After doing a FIND search on the archive.jar-27b6d966(something) and the archive.jar-27b6d962(something) I ran AVG file scans on the files associated with them and found that the corresponding 'zip' files were the offending critters... and deleted them. Went into the IE6 (internet options) and disabled Microsoft's Java utilization also... since I use, primarily, Sun's Java. The files, interestingly enough, were dated August 2003 ??? Maybe the recent bug, my computer had, now gone, was related.

Meteor shower Monday. I quickly read about the Geminid meteor shower peaking tonight on my wife Gail's Yahoo home page when loading a Care Bear's game site for my 4-year old granddaughter. I didn't think too much about it at the time. When I went to feed Tara and Eeyore, Gail's white Arab mare and donkey, much later than usual about 5:30-6:00 p.m. PST, I spied a bright meteor from the north, as I was coming up our drive grade, that traced all the way through the clear sky to far south. It was the longest meteor duration sighting I've ever experienced. Mentioned the meteor shower to my son-in-law, Richard, and grandson David.

Knotty Pines... a profitable recreation center, bowling alley, is for sale. Located in Pollock Pines, California, just a bit east of where I live, just up the hill from historic Hangtown (Placerville, CA) on U.S. Highway 50. I noted the fact in the Mountain Democrat classifieds. Been there a few times many years past. Not a big place... but very homey. The only detriment I see would be the snow in winter causing... what am I thinking?... what a great time to find open lanes!!!

My entries... " Poetry in Motion "...
& Haiku daily contests:

Carpet Diem...

Littered greasy
oil-stained rags
seizes hot...


Carpet diem...

:Bobby Nichols


Pastel petals splay

Flower's passioned reverie

Heady summons play

:Bobby Nichols

Be True

Heaven beckons...

Our reward
is in sight

Desire His will...

An endless peace
of delight

:Bobby Nichols


"Carpet Diem... "... the 'tiles' gave me pause to recall an incident my wife Gail had with some rags soaked with linseed oil... a household danger. She left them lying, wadded up, in her van for a short time only to return with the smell of burning oil permeating the van and a new black spot on her van's carpeted cargo area. Linseed oil, and other oils and stains and ilk, can spontaneously combust to disastrous effect. 'Carpet diem black' (enjoy the black carpet¿) a not so crafty pun lent from 'carpe diem'.

"Anthesis " a Haiku: ... The photo for inspiration was an intoxicatingly gorgeous flower displaying its pollen on gossamer stalks midst pastel petals of pale lavender and white. A helpful page about the anthesis of a flower.

"Be True "... Here I show an edited form of the poem. My entry lacks "of delight" in the last line. I thought the structure begged the edit, however my 'tile' count would have exceeded the allotted 20 'tiles' for entry.

Sampon !!!

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