Thursday, December 30, 2004
More word'Smiths':
Weather: A rainy Tuesday, the temperatures staying relatively warm (in the 40°'s Fahrenheit). A light rain most of the day Wednesday. A goodly amount of rain Thursday revealing leaks in our humble abode's roof, and elsewhere, and large amounts of snow in the Sierra's. Time to patch the roof again. In hindsight, I would have better served myself had I gone into the construction trade. More rain expected.
The "fall" of Adam and Eve... our Wednesday night lesson from "True to the Faith" closely followed the lesson given in the link.
Babysitting the grandkids while it rains outside on Thursday... David playing a "Quad" vehicle game on his Playstation 2... Ashley on Gail's computer playing the Care Bears games online with me watching, or watching soapys with Gail, or watching David play... me 'putin.
Continued large aftershocks in the 5.5 Richter and above range in the Indian Ocean near Sumatra... the death toll exceeding 120,000 with no end in sight to the escalating total.
My entries... " Poetry in Motion "...
"The HoneyMoon "... 'nuf said.
"Mains des Bien Peintre "... or "Hands of the Good Painter "... I used Babelfish for translation and formation of the poem... and is rendered thus: Hands of the good painter seeking pure tears for the life soaked brush fixing your poor dead heart. The 'tiles', again, French words and snippets... I could but try, with apologies to French speaking peoples everywhere.
"The Stand " a Haiku: ... I'm still not sure whether the plot of ground depicted in the photo was a white clay or of a very white fine sand or both or neither. I tried to formulate a verse depicting the overall nature of the crabs background, but proved unsuccessful within the 5-7-5 syllabibble (sic) format. At first I didn't even notice the all white crab... it blended in so well to its environ. The spotlight highlighting the crab was undoubtably of dubious nature. I doubt if the poor crab was allowed to remain... perhaps its last stand.
"Moonbeam-Dreams "... Spurred on while listening to a DVD entitled "The Shore" containing nothing but the sounds of ocean waves breaking on the beach.
"Repent "... Repentance: another step toward exaltation.