Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Weather: Thursday the 5th... it's raining and the grandkids are going bonkers... On and off rain through Monday the 9th. We were treated to a couple of hail storms and thunder showers on Monday the 9th due to an unseasonable cold mass of air from the north... tornado watches were in effect down Sacramento way most of the day... snow in the Sierras. Forecast of near 80°'s Fahrenheit for next week??? Query... Were the fig trees so slow in developing their leaves from their buds last year? They've barely changed since January. Dunno. Gail's van... It lives!... needs tires. Sports:
BIG EARTHQUAKES... from the bigquake mailing list I subscribe to: A magnitude 6.5 earthquake south of Panama has occurred at: 5.62N 82.49W Depth 10km Thu May 5 19:12:18 2005 UTC Location with respect to nearby cities:
A magnitude 6.4 earthquake southwest of Sumatra, Indonesia Location with respect to nearby cities:
My entries... poetry.com: "
" Glory "... a modest edit of my entry in the contest. " Repressor "... A bit of poetic license... I turned an adjective 'dire' into a verb (or is it an adverb?). Anywho... 'dire' sort'a kind'a rhymes with 'desire', lacking but one syllabibble, and kind'a connotes love's demise while denoting the fear or dread of love. The poem made more sense to me when I coined it. " Singularity Redux "... I already had a poem titled "Singularity" hence 'redux'. " Moth " a Haiku: ... A photo of a moth spotlighted on a clutch of flowers used for inspiration. " Spring Enchantment " a Haiku: ... What I saw in the photo of a frozen falls with snow clumped in heaps about, through bough of tree and landing of rock, were færies cavorting down a frozen Spring falls headfirst... The 'vernal', or spring, aspect due to the inclement weather about our area this 9th/early 10th of May as if by enchantment. Salamaik tingga !!! |