Bobby's Blog...<br>        " Process Poetic " <$BlogRSDUrl$>

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Saturday, November 05, 2005

"A verbal art like poetry is reflective; it stops to think. Music is immediate, it goes on to become."

--W. H. Auden

"Music, in performance, is a type of sculpture. The air in the performance is sculpted into something."

--Frank Zappa

Weather: October 28th: Completely overcast... a sprinkle here and there... relatively warm. A brief sprinkle early the 29th which gave way to beautiful sunshine weather that same late afternoon through to noon the 1st of November... when the clouds decided to make a re-appearance. Temperatures were moderate in the 70°'s Fahrenheit.

The clouds remained... and then it rained... noonish November the 2nd... with breaks of sunshine intermittent... come the 3rd and all was still, till late in the eve when rain came upon our hill... again. O'cast with bouts of sunshine on the 4th. Temperatures have been in the 50°'s to 60°'s Fahrenheit (10° to 16° Centigrade) range.

The 5th was hit or miss sunshine. A "burn day": we took out a permit to burn our leaves and pine needles and such. Lovely early crescent moon in the early evening... "Diana's Bow".

A BLOG I have enjoyed:

Tech news source... which was started by TechTv regular Kevin Rose. An interesting way to catch up on breaking technology. I caught wind of it when CNet had a blurb that the site was down due to too much traffic!!! I checked it out later, after the addition of extra servers to take care of the increasing traffic load, and like its look and the way articles are ranked by the "diggs" or hits by the readers. Added to my sidebar yet??? Yep.

Wikibooks !!!... especially programming in CSS... for me!!! Note to me: Added to side bar also. The parent website is Wikipedia which I have yet to fully explore.

Stuff I picked up at a relatively new thrift store (Goodwill Industries #38) in Folsom, CA for less than $16.00 USD (total):

  • Teflon frying pan in excellent condition... the handle just did come off of our old frying pan. Gail wanted to throw the pan out but I convince her to save the sans-handled pan... till now!!!

  • emachines keyboard in good condition... identical to this same dirty keyboard I'm using now... only clean!!! Swapping out soon!

  • "Unauthorized guide to Windows 98 Second Edition" by Paul McFedries in NEW condition.

  • Epson T007 Black ink cartridge... in box never opened for my old Epson Stylus Photo 780 printer. It has a date stamp of 6/2005 but was too good a deal to pass up... besides, I'm sure there's a time fudge factor built in...

  • Metal picture frame in new condition 1" X 1.5" (approx)... I've been looking for one for over a year that wasn't too "kitsch".

  • Blue-green colander in NEW condition... our old colander developed a largish hole in the bottom that was big enough to leak noodles out when straining... we'd lose quite a bit down the drain.

  • New hairbrush in original wrapper.

  • Black colored desk lamp in good condition (but no lightbulb?) for Gail's computer desk. I offered her my old trusty halogen desk lamp... but she liked the newly purchased lamp better.
... sweet !!!
I looked for blue jeans and tennis shoes and a suit/sports jacket... but alas, no size Moose in stock.

Hooked up my old Macintosh Centris 650 that came to me via my Mother, via my sister, for my granddaughter, Ashley, to use. She's using it to create works of art using Adobe Photoshop 4.0. The program is a bit slow by today's standards, but is suitable for a soon to be 5-year-old's creativity. Now if I could only stop the "nag" screens that pop-up incessantly: [ ! An unknown user is already using a copy of Adobe Photoshop® with this serial [OK] ]... who cares!... and worse, how does "it" know? The prog is registered to the original owner, my sister, and was handed down... not pirated. Maybe a quick email to Adobe would be apropos.

I like playing the "Hangman" and Solitaire games on the Mac to while away the time between screens on my Win98SE box when blazing at 24.0 to 26.4 Kbps on dial-up.

In case I don't post again before the 17th of November: Happy birthday Melanie!!! (52?)
Ashley's birthday is the 30th.

Added my 9th poetry collection to the side bar to bring me up to date prior to posting this BLOG entry. A much larger selection than most... I just got lazy and lumped them in one large HTML document rather than two smaller ones (less work).

Onomatopoeia sighting: (From the customized homepage provided by Google for 10-29-2005) Word of the Day... 'susurrus': a whispering or rustling sound.

23... (The van): Gettin' us where we need to git. Oil change soon... breaks maybe. Gail's van still dead.


Shake me!!!... USGS Earthquake Hazards Program... recent earthquake activity around the world.

BIG Earthquakes... from the Earthquake Notification E-mail service:

A magnitude 6.5 earthquake in the Southeast Indian Ridge has occurred at: 45.27S 96.96E Depth 10km Sat Oct 29 04:05:57 2005 UTC

Location with respect to nearby cities:

  • 2205 km (1370 miles) SW of PERTH, Western Australia, Australia

My entries... " Poetry in Motion "...
& Haiku daily contests:

Wistfully Silent

Wistfully silent...

Must I be so distant in

Your rose-coloured world ?

:Bobby Nichols

The Haunted Wood

Wind echoes

in the

wooded mist

rising eerily

Giving a

spectre's laugh


:Bobby Nichols



Give pause

to thine

humble prayers

Turn thy

mind's thoughts

to God's love

... and listen

:Bobby Nichols

The Longest Days

My true love

gone on

to reward



these are

the longest


:Bobby Nichols

HE Is !

HE is the light borne

Reborn of flesh and sinew

A light unto all

:Bobby Nichols

Life's Hope

A struggling forth

of gloomy existence

need not

be burdensome

... For life's hopes

are kindled

in the Savior

:Bobby Nichols

"Step on a Crack..."

While cracked
concrete walks
burden the feet
who is
of the
grief ?

:Bobby Nichols


Building Zion

Hopes are in


that keep us


preparing for

our Heavenly peace

:Bobby Nichols

" The Haunted Wood "... the imagism of an illusory haunt contrived by the machinations of the wind. (Part of the poetry exercise for my part is to increase my vocabulary.)

" Listen... "... I show a slight edit here. Forgive my poetic license in the entry. I substituted 'thine' for a 'thy' preceding 'humble' to be more proper in word usage. It didn't occur to me at the time, and I may not have had the 'tiles' to do so anyway had I realized the gaffe.

" The Longest Days "... From the 'tiles' and from the heart, but not from experience.

" Life's Hope "... I missed the deadline and decided not to submit what I had up to that point, but rather embellished the germ of what I had wrought.

" Building Zion "... By now some may wonder if indeed I'm being above board and truly playing the 'tiles'... I am.

" Step on a Crack... "... The 'tiles' unleashed evoked a child's rhyme (and 'Devo' lyric).

" HE Is ! " a Haiku: ... The photo for inspiration was a blazing sun risen over a barely lit sky (or dark filtered sky) with the sun's rays casting reflection upon a dark ocean... giving the appearance of an inverted exclamation point of golden glow.

" Wistfully Silent " a Haiku: ... A photo of an individual standing on a distant hill's ridge... the sky a dappled rose color.

Taffy-Doodles says "meow"

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