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Sunday, November 28, 2004

"The beginning of atonement is the sense of its necessity."

--Lord George Byron

What love Heavenly Father has for us: the plan of Salvation... only through the Atonement of His son, Jesus Christ... a necessity I pray all become aware of.

Lord George Byron from what a cool site !!!

A familiar poem by Lord George Byron: "She Walks in Beauty"...

Weather: Thursday light rain... not enough to keep me from cutting wood... heavy fog at night. Friday mostly o'cast, Saturday clearing from rain to allow a full moon's grandeur. Sunday clear and brisk day, slight breezed night with moon still predominant... Orion leaning about 45° - tilting at beasts to the south.

Just for fun: A poem I remember reading in "Through the Looking-Glass", by Lewis Carroll titled "Jabberwocky" which I happened to stumble upon again while Googling one day. Makes as much sense as any of my poems.

Something is playing with my internet proxy settings... spyware no doubt... but I haven't isolated the beasty. It causes my IE6 browser to give errors (see Linux Forum: Linux Security : The dreaded 127.0.01 and not load pages. Since I don't use a proxy server I need to go into my internet tools and ('Connection' tab) recheck the settings. Somehow [ HTTP: localhost at port 8080 ] gets configured which I then have to delete every time I log on... go figger? Firefox browser is unaffected... coincidence? AdAware picked up two low level bugs, Alexa and some other data miner and I downloaded the updates for "SpywareBlaster" and created a new system snapshot to try to keep the protection 'fresh'. Still no luck. Going ta Google further...

Gonna try GMail File System as a file storage utility that I learned of on DSS satellite TV's "The Screen Savers". It maps itself as a Gmail drive in Windows. I wonder if I can store poetry files that can be linked to from my BLOG like an FTP site. Worst case is I'll have an extra backup of files. There's supposed to be a limit of 5MB or 10MB per file which for me is no big deal. More GMail add-on utilities.

BIG QUAKES: (From my e-mail alert notification through the bigquake mailing list.)

A magnitude 7.2 earthquake IN PAPUA, INDONESIA has occurred at: 3.63S 135.48E Depth 35km Fri Nov 26 02:25:06 2004 UTC
Location with respect to nearby cities:
95 km (60 miles) W of Enarotali, Papua, Indonesia (pop N/A)
275 km (170 miles) NNE of Dobo, Aru Islands, Indonesia

Hokkaido, Japan hammered again...
A magnitude 7.0 earthquake IN THE HOKKAIDO, JAPAN REGION has occurred at:
43.00N 145.09E Depth 44km Sun Nov 28 18:32:14 2004 UTC
Location with respect to nearby cities:
55 km (35 miles) E of Kushiro, Hokkaido, Japan (pop 199,000)
235 km (145 miles) ESE of Asahikawa, Hokkaido, Japan
930 km (580 miles) NNE of TOKYO, Japan

Saturday evening: "Lord of the Rings 'Return of the King'" on Starz!!! (Satellite TV movie) Last of the Tolkien trilogy on TV. Time to shake the dust off my Tolkien library and re100-read to get the detailed account refreshed in my mind's eye.

Sunday the 28th... wonderful Sabbath Day. Borrowed Gail's van to get to and from church. Lessons included the Millennium (as it pertains to the Resurrection), tithing, and the Sacrament. My readings in James E. Talmage's "Jesus the Christ" has me through: the 'Last Supper'; a new commandment: "Love one another"; the promise of the "Holy Ghost"; Jesus with the apostles Peter, James, and John in the 'Garden (orchard) of Gethsemane'; and Judas' betrayal... all in quick order. Such a great love Jesus has for us all to do the will of His Father.

Celebrated granddaughter Ashley's fourth birthday early with her large extended family at my daughter Chrissy's home. Cake and ice-cream and lots of presents for little Ashley. Gail had picked out a couple of beautiful porcelain dolls to present. Mom... I'll e-mail some pix asap.

I've been approved for the 'Google AdSense' program. I'll give it a go and see just how unobtrusive it appears and if any good will come of it.

My entries... " Poetry in Motion " daily contest:



Poets are

quietly lachrymose

Words well


through fingers'

poignant path...

languishing only

as soft whispers


:Bobby Nichols


Awake Ye Heavens!

Awake ye Heavens!

Long last will

He reign

His very love

ever beyond time

:Bobby Nichols





Ylem spumes and spews

Space and time null convergent

Dark matter phased, skews

:Bobby Nichols



Yellow sunflower

Eatable, spittable seeds

Such a funflower!

:Bobby Nichols




A living star rests

Salmon amongst the pebbles

Tidal treasure trove

:Bobby Nichols


"Creition "... I neglected to make the word "fingers" possessive, ie: fingers', in the entry which wrecks havoc with the continuity of the poem... a solecism I regret. 'Creition' a nonce word formed from creation and the suffix '-ition' which Funk & Wagnalls' defines as 1. Condition or quality 2. Act or process, or the result of an act or process.

"Awake Ye Heavens! "... another hearkening.

"Antecedent" " a Haiku: "... 'Null' or light-like... 'Ylem'. The photo for inspiration showed two flumes of white water merging together in a rocky environ... I chose a more cosmological bent. More on 'Ylem' ( eye-lem ): An interesting art link at and still another word on the subject...... and still some more links to sate the soul.

"SunFlower" " a Haiku: "... just for fun!

"T3" " a Haiku: "... A wonderful salmon colored starfish pictured in the photo for inspiration with five webbed arms, (like the second picture shown in the encyclopedia link... but much more vibrantly colored and fleshy appearing), rests amongst pebbles in a tidal pool.

Jang kébedait malék !!!


Wednesday, November 24, 2004

"By common consent gray hairs are a crown of glory; the only object of respect that can never excite envy."

--George Bancroft.

More from George Bancroft:

"Beauty is but the sensible image of the Infinite. Like truth and justice it lives within us; like virtue and the moral law it is a companion of the soul."

"The public is wiser than the wisest critic."

"In nine times out of ten, the slanderous tongue belongs to a disappointed person."

"Avarice is the vice of declining years."

"Conscience is the mirror of our souls, which represents the errors of our lives in their full shape."

Weather: Wednesday the 17th/Thursday cool days. A bit of a light breeze late Thursday while I was cutting some wood. A doe deer took pause while I was contemplating the approach of sunset... A woodpecker in a nearby oak looking for bugs. A half moon graced the evening skies early - obscured on occasion by wood-smoke from wood-burning stoves wafting and light fog from the various and sundry ponds drifting through. Friday mostly o'cast with fog... cold. Gail's car overheating for some odd reason, but, we made our appointed rounds with only two agonizing stoppages to add water and cool the engine down. Sunday blustery Sunday... clear and cool Monday/Tuesday... Tuesday starting out with frost on the leaf ladened ground. Wednesday the 24th has blue skies with but a slight chill as I cut more wood.

Wednesday the 17th... Newcomer's class lesson from the "True to the Faith" book was on education. Our teacher for the evening a young man just out of high school preparing for his mission. He did very well in his preparation and presentation, and we had a good round of discussions on the benefits of continued education in all facets of life. My meeting with the new Bishop afterwards... quite enlightening. I'm preparing for further growth within the Church... much to cogitate upon. Our meeting ran a bit late and I was surprised with Gail and her father arriving at church looking for me as we were leaving.

Bishop thought to enlighten me by having me research the term "common consent" and how it pertains to the organization of the Church. I found and printed a number of references I became interested in... mostly from Here's a few:

Mom and Robin called Thursday night to wish me a happy birthday... I decided I'd cook my own B'Day dinner, Gail had left for a while, and so drove to the store in Georgetown, CA, for victuals. Anywho... I made some broiled Cajun chicken, noodles Alfredo, spinach, and Rocky Road II ice cream. Gail later arrived after an aborted trip due to fog to a cousin's funeral. Gail's stomach was upset so she didn't want to share of my feast... but she had a bit of ice cream later.

November 19th, 1975 - Gail and I married for the first time in Lake Tahoe... KFC for lunch for me and McDonald's for Gail about the time of her chiropractic appointment. A bit more chicken, and ice cream, for me for dinner.

BIG QUAKES: (From my e-mail alert notification through the bigquake mailing list.)

Wednesday, November 17, 2004
A magnitude 6.6 earthquake IN THE FIJI REGION (South Pacific) has occurred at:
19.96S 178.80W Depth 620km Wed Nov 17 21:09:13 2004 UTC
Location with respect to nearby cities:
75 km (50 miles) N of Ndoi Island, Fiji (pop N/A)
355 km (220 miles) SE of SUVA, Viti Levu, Fiji
395 km (245 miles) WNW of NUKU'ALOFA, Tonga

A magnitude 7.3 earthquake OFF THE W. COAST OF S. ISLAND, N.Z. has occurred at:
46.57S 164.83E Depth 10km Mon Nov 22 20:26:25 2004 UTC
Location with respect to nearby cities:
270 km (170 miles) W of Invercargill, New Zealand
345 km (215 miles) WSW of Queenstown, New Zealand
More ...... also see "Shake Me!" on the side bar.

Grisoft's AVG 7.0 Free version (anti-virus) has been released!!! I downloaded the 9+MB .exe file as well as the two pdf files for reference. I've used the free version of AVG 6.0 for quite a while and found it invaluable... and quite intuitive to use and update.

ieSpell 2.1.0 (freeware for IE5 & IE6) released. I downloaded this updated version, 2.5 MB, since I constantly used the previous version in spell checking my BLOG... though it doesn't look like it some times.

AND downloaded Earthlink's free spamBlocker plugin for Outlook and Outlook express to clean up my junk e-mail through Earthlink (I have never received spam-mail in my Gmail account!!!)

Fig leaves on our two fig trees are dropping in droves from the cooling weather... soon to be bare.

Bear tracks, according to my wife Gail and grandson David, found in the wet ground on our driveway. Gail also said a bobcat (or mountain lion?) making noises in the lower pasture.

NBA Basketbrawl... very ugly... another "black eye" for sports.

A gaggle of coyotes (or yotikiis [yo-tê-kys] as I sometimes call them) made themselves known with a murder of yips and a herd of yowlings. Gail's female basset, Poop, had been tied up outside while Gail was raking and burning leaves, I was in the upper pasture cutting firewood, Poop evidently exuding a pheromone that seems to be attracting the male members of the gaggle. Doggy quickly brought indoors.

My entries... " Poetry in Motion " daily contest:


The End of Darkness

Rising angel

messenger bright


darkness passing

His arrival within

white loving light

:Bobby Nichols



Trumpets eastward blare

Aurora dance in the night

Behold the Lion !

:Bobby Nichols


"The End of Darkness "... may it be soon.

"Advent " a Haiku: "... the trumpet of the Angel Moroni. Poetic license taken... not all temple trumpets face the east. At least one faces west, Nauvoo, and possibly Taipei and Seattle.

As is the norm, stress from within and without plague Gail's and my lives. "Things" coming to their inevitable head. I pray that "things" get better and this isn't...

'au sa liu mada'....


Wednesday, November 17, 2004

"Having a family is like having a bowling alley installed in your brain."

--Martin Mull.

More mull:

"'Tis the maddest trick a man can ever play in his whole life, to let his breath sneak out of his body without any more ado, and without so much as a rap o'er the pate, or a kick of the guts; to go out like the snuff of a farthing candle, and die merely of the mulligrubs, or the sullens." - Miguel de Cervantes

"Worry is a useless mulling over of things we cannot change." - Peace Pilgrim

Weather: Sunday... blue skies above... perfectly cool brisk weather for short walk (20 minutes) to and from ride to church. Monday/Tuesday cool days.

I participated, my first time, in preparing the sacrament for the Sabbath. I was one of three to bless the bread and water, though I did not say either of the two prayers. This gave me a deeper testimony on the importance of the sacrament... a confirmation and renewal of covenants made to God and His Son. Later, at home, I re-re-read my manuals and the Doctrine&Covenants pertaining to the sacrament to further enlightenment. Social anxiety not too bad on my part... more a reverent solemnity.

A tweak or two to my BLOG template made... most unobtrusive.

Called Mom Sunday night, just before 9 p.m. her time. Everything's o.k. up north. Hey Mom... no pictures yet!

E-mail from my brother Robin re: a bowling tourney (ABT)... he came in 2nd on 11/13/2004 in his division... cool! I'm assuming he participated in the open division (scratch) as he's no bowling piker (can you say 200+++ average). My tourney days are long gone, I fear. I had so much enjoyment in the competition of leagues and tournaments, scratch and handicap, that it's painful to have left that part of my life hanging due to money and health. Perhaps the future bodes better.

BIG QUAKES: (From my e-mail alert notification through the bigquake mailing list.)

* A magnitude 7.0 earthquake NEAR THE WEST COAST OF COLOMBIA has occurred at:
4.61N 77.54W Depth 10km Mon Nov 15 09:06:55 2004 UTC
* Location with respect to nearby cities:
95 km (60 miles) NNW of Buenaventura, Colombia (pop 235,000)
155 km (95 miles) SW of Quibdo, Colombia (pop 74,000)
160 km (100 miles) WNW of Tulua, Colombia (pop 161,000)
385 km (240 miles) W of BOGOTA, Colombia
More ...

Firefox 1.0 (browser) has been released!!! So far only a minor hic-up here and there. Over-all I'll keep it as my default browser for now for further testing. My Opera browser seems to act up more than does Firefox... and IE6 will always be there when I need it.

Monday and Tuesday: Cutting/sawing firewood and re-routing phone lines for Gail's and my computer dial-up. For Gail's phone line this entailed crawling under the mobile home and squirming about in the still moist dirt and debris... yuck. Both lines finally finished... the firewood will (always) be an ongoing project.
I performed a thorough scan on my Win98SE box that took over 8-hours to finish, and updated both Gail's and my computer for anti-virus definitions (AVG) and adware/spyware definitions (SPYWAREBLASTER... SPYBOT SEARCH AND DESTROY... ADAWARE), all freeware/donationware.
Checked out Craig's list for our general area for cars and trucks, and other stuff. Not really in the market yet... just wanted to see what's up and available. Maybe try this route to rid myself of a bunch of stuff.

Wednesday: Going to the DMV for picture and eye test to renew my driver's license... whoopee. However, it reminds me of a funny I read, probably in Reader's Digest, many years ago, about, I believe, Sammy Davis, Jr. I think it was Sammy because he had one glass eye and would have suited his humor to a "T"... but I could be wrong. Anyway... he went to take his eye test at DMV and was told to cover one eye with his hand and then read off the letters on the chart out loud. Being his good eye this caused no problem. When he was asked to read the chart with his other eye instead of trying to read the chart with his glass eye he merely took his other hand and covered the same eye again, his glass eye, and re-read the chart. By changing which hand he covered his glass eye with he gave the impression that he had changed which eye he was reading the chart with. For those not faint, or feint, of heart here's another funny I remember about a man with a glass eye and his proctologist... It's funny what one's memory and the right key words typed into Google can find for you! And yes, going to the DMV is a pain in the gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus!!!

Happy Birthday Melanie !!!... wherever you are.

My entries... " Poetry in Motion " daily contest:


Flower to flower

The deeds of the bumblebee

Fascinate one's soul

:Bobby Nichols

"BumbleBee " a Haiku: "... I love bumblebees. I could watch them for hours. I graced a poem some time ago titled "A Sunday Spring Walk... in Garden Valley", entered in a BLOG session on May 2, 2004, with a short observation of a whimsical bumblebee trying to take sustenance from a clover flower. The picture for inspiration today shows a bumblebee lit on some purple lupin flowers with a backdrop of leafy green.

Matcaci !!!...


Saturday, November 13, 2004

"What is the highest secret to victory and peace? To will what God wills, and strike a league with destiny."

--William R. Alger.

More from William R. Alger:

"Public opinion is a second conscience."

"The line of life is a ragged diagonal between duty and desire."

"The wealth of a soul is measured by how much it can feel; its poverty by how little."

"Words of love, are works of love."

"Proverbs are mental gems gathered in the diamond fields of the mind."

"We give advice by the bucket, but take it by the grain."

"Men often make up in wrath what they want in reason."
... and more.

Weather: Saturday clear and cool: 'shirt sleeve' weather. Managed a short walk before noon on the way to my ride to the Temple. Monday was overcast... in the low 60°'s Fahrenheit... my late 30 minute walk refreshed by "Seattle Sunshine". A short 30-minute walk on Tuesday in the dark aided with a lantern for cars to see... Wednesday a walk in "Seattle Sunshine" of about 3-miles. Thursday... rain. Friday gave blue skies... an hour walk ~3-miles.

Went to the Oakland Temple, my third such visit since being baptized in March, and had a wonderful experience. The Oakland hills were clear and sunny... the Temple bathed in light. San Francisco's skyline just barely visible midst the fog. We were early for the appointed session so I was able to do two sessions of the ordinances I'm allowed at my stage of progression as a member of the Aaronic priesthood of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I've just finished a Temple readiness class on Sunday in preparation of further progression. The peace and spirit felt inside the Temple is incredible, tangible. Being able to do the ordinances vicariously, in this case, is humbling and an honor... doing God's will. Though I can't wait until our new Sacramento Temple is completed, 2006 ?, I have always admired the beacon of light that is the Oakland Temple (opened in 1964) where I lived, relatively near, in the San Francisco Bay Area (ten different cities: '62-'67 & '69-'86 & '89-'90).

Called Mom Saturday night, 9 p.m. her time, and had a nice long chat. She has the opportunity to go back home, England, in March of next year... leaving March 9th.

E-mail from my brother Robin says my cousin, Steve, is home on leave from Iraq. Concurrently the news has been broadcasting that there is a major offensive ongoing in Fallujah, Iraq. I pray for the Iraqi peoples' and the coalition forces's safety.

BIG QUAKES: (From my e-mail alert notification through the bigquake mailing list.)

A magnitude 7.3 Richter earthquake IN KEPULAUAN ALOR, INDONESIA has occurred at:
8.14S 124.79E Depth 38km Thu Nov 11 21:26:44 2004 UTC
Time: Pacific Standard Time (PST) Thu Nov 11 13:26:44 2004
Location with respect to nearby cities:
100 km (60 miles) WNW of DILI, East Timor (pop 130,000)
260 km (160 miles) NNE of Kupang, Timor, Indonesia
355 km (220 miles) ENE of Ende, Flores, Indonesia


... 6.9 Richter quake in the South Pacific:
2004/11/09 23:58 M 6.9 SOLOMON ISLANDS Z= 10km 11.11S 163.68E Date: Tuesday, November 09, 2004 4:46 PM Depth 10km Tue Nov 9 23:58:23 2004 UTC
Time: Pacific Standard Time (PST) Tue Nov 9 15:58:23 2004
Location with respect to nearby cities:
205 km (125 miles) ESE of Kira Kira, San Cristobal, Solomon Isl.
240 km (150 miles) W of Lata, Santa Cruz Islands, Solomon Isl.
445 km (280 miles) ESE of HONIARA, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
For maps, additional information, and subsequent updates.

Firefox 1.0 (browser) has been released!!! I've downloaded it and will check it out against Opera (free version) and IE6 to see how it shakes out. I'll also add it to my thumbdrive since it's such a small file (4.802MB total download). This will add to my small Linux library recently enhanced with Knoppix (OS on a disk) that I purchased for just over $5.00 USD. I was convinced in getting Knoppix by watching a fellow church member resurrect files from a crashed Windows XP OS from an another church member's laptop. I also have The GIMP for Windows, a Linux ap, for mangling graphics that I rarely use and an old 32-bit debian GNU Linux OS that I have yet to install on an older computer. Guess it's time to learn Linux command line code.

Recent headlines: The passing of Arafat... guilty verdict in the Scott Peterson murder trial. Scott's sentencing is next. To know that a final judgment awaits that will last through eternity is enough for me.

My entries... " Poetry in Motion " daily contest:


Enter His
eternal love

The completion
of resurrected
beings immortal

:Bobby Nichols




Negatively bent
An hundred leggy plumed beast
Marches distant sway

:Bobby Nichols

Capering Psychoses

The very workings
of a porous ego
flagrant raw desire
Psychoses capering

:Bobby Nichols


Love's Lament

Distress rises

Crystal dreams glisten
bleeding ruby red

Desire slain

Our glass soul's
untamed crescendo
love's lament

:Bobby Nichols


Romantics muse bent
Entwined souls inspired
Enduring life's
     alluring charm rent
Love's embrace desired

:Bobby Nichols


"Salvation "... unfortunately the ether gobbled up this piece - it was right at the deadline for entry and just disappeared.

"Centinel " a Haiku: "... Centinel... a sentinel. I used the more obscure form due to the hundred-legginous of the beast. The photo for inspiration was actually a black and white ("Negatively bent") of many like trees crowded upon the shore of a lake, possibly, that appeared to be one of head and body with the trunks looking like legs. Perhaps it's the lack of coffee/tea since my baptism that gives rise to fancy in the wee hours of the morn.

"Capering Psychoses "... I'd be amazed if this made sense to anyone(let alone myself)... too few 'tiles' and the selection most bent, as was I.

"Love's Lament "... not a warm fuzzy love poem.

"Temporal "... enduring worldliness. The poem's saving grace is that it sorta' rhymes.

Fiimaan illaah !!!...


Saturday, November 06, 2004

"Stride forward with a firm, steady step knowing with a deep, certain inner knowing that you will reach every goal you set yourselves, that you will achieve every aim."

--Eileen Caddy.

More 'stride':

"Order marches with weighty and measured strides. Disorder is always in a hurry." - Napoleon Bonaparte

"Progress is the stride of God." - Victor Hugo

"He who tip-toes cannot stand; he who strides cannot walk." - Lao-Tzu

"A President is best judged by the enemies he makes when he has really hit his stride." - Max Lerner

"It is a mistake to regard age as a downhill grade toward dissolution. The reverse is true. As one grows older, one climbs with surprising strides." - George Sand

"I sit astride life like a bad rider on a horse. I only owe it to the horse's good nature that I am not thrown off at this very moment." - Ludwig Wittgenstein

Weather: A low pressure system had been spiraling in the mid California state area: Thursday rain showers early... the day ending with mostly sunny skies. Mostly sunny on Friday with the weather staying clear for the weekend for what appears to be perfect weather for the Temple trip on Saturday as well as the Sabbath. Sweet !!! I managed a 3-mile walk before dark on Thursday and a short walk just shy of a mile on Friday. Sundown now arrives just after 5 p.m. PDT.

Wednesday's "True to the Faith" class on Debt and Divorce... both of which I'm a failed expert on. It's a shame I learn these principles in my late double-prime years (I'm soon to be 17 X 3). It's a blessing that the LDS youth have such great information available to them from all aspects of Gospel life.

Thursday early a.m. Gail may have had an allergic reaction to some "Nexium" prescribed for acid reflux. It's possible she's one of the rare cases the warning on the directions advises to watch for. Much interpersonal stress thereafter, possibly due to her disorientation and fear. Thursday afternoon we spent some time unraveling feelings by discussing "where I'm coming from" and "where she's coming from"... assuaging any misconceptions and re-affirming our pair bond.
I imparted a few words of wisdom Thursday evening to Gail while she was trying to rip seams with a scissors from a new drape she's sewing (the old sew and sew!): "You don't pound a nail with a cucumber". Her seam ripper had been made useless, somehow. I'm thinking duct tape over my mouth for a while might not be a bad idea.

Typed up a new resume for daughter Chrissy and printed an ap for unemployment insurance off the EDD internet site... form de110i.pdf, as well as printing up a job flyer that I had created, with a cool mountainscape as a backdrop, over a year ago. I be a typing, Googling, printing fool this day. Chrissy's husband, Richard may be off work 6-8 weeks following pin emplacement(s) in his shoulder.

Way too early on a Friday a.m.... my BLOG is unavailable to post to for some reason. I've been banging my head against the ether for over half an hour getting nowhere. Reminds me of a quote: "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results" - Benjamin Franklin. As Old Ben might have said: Bon Nuit!!!

I purchased two pairs of slacks at a Big and Tall men's clothing store that Gail found in Folsom. I purchased the one for the Temple trip and the second was half price on a promotion... both for just over $32.00 USD total. Recently I picked up 2-packages of T-shirts on sale at Sears, and I've been lucky in finding some Levi's blue jeans at second hand shops... two pair recently for $4 - $5 USD each... but finding the slacks for a 160 kg person like myself had been difficult. My clothing needs are pretty much taken care of now... and that pretty much takes care of my clothing budget for a while too.

Elders Allen and Eldridge came by Friday evening with a video called "The Restoration" on the restoration of God's church... the story of Joseph Smith's search for religious truth. Gail and I found the video very moving.

My entries... " Poetry in Motion " daily contest:

Chromatically Radical

The poem-body, I,

scrawls verses of color

punctuated by spiders

casting silky spells

of words strewn black

:Bobby Nichols



Wry elephant eyes

Whence enchanting dermalscape

Perchance a mud bath

:Bobby Nichols

With eggs in despair

time is a mosquito's fury

Dispatched it wings

Its feast a desperation

bent on bloodletting

:Bobby Nichols


Tryde and True


time-driven through

thin and thick


the tempest

proud and hot


silent flows

silky and soft

:Bobby Nichols

"Chromatically Radical "... a whimsy.

"Pachyderm " a Haiku: "... Photo of an elephants eye and eye lashes surrounded by an expanse of grayish-brown intriguingly textured skin.

" Mosquito "... My second Mosquito poem (see also "The Hunter" on the sidebar), the first from the contest. The 'tiles' were very few to choose from, about 100 total, that I'm sure will lead to little differentiation amongst the poems entered in the contest.

"Tryde and True "... Quick and balanced. 'Tryde' a variant of 'tride'. This was one odd selection of 'tiles'. The assortment was sullied with 9-repetitions of the word 'Blood' and 1-'Blood's' and 1='bleeding', along with various perturbations... (sic)... relating to such. This didn't leave me with much to work with in the balance... so although somewhat awkward, I'm happy with the result.

�n�godziih doleel !!!...


Wednesday, November 03, 2004

"Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost."

--John Quincy Adams

"A, O, way to go Ohio" !!!

--lyrics to "My City Was Gone"
by "The Pretenders".

The lyrics provide an interesting commentary on the election just over and seem to be echoed throughout the net. Though the song by "The Pretenders" was more a commentary about 'not being able to go back home again', I find it most appropriate in view of the events of 9/11, our nation can never go back to that secure feeling of home... again.

Weather: Blue sky Tuesday... temperatures perfectly cool. Wednesday rain showers.

PRESIDENTIAL RACE: VOTED !!! Gail and I , however, managed to cancel each other out in our selection for President. To each their own.

Wednesday proved to be a day of reason... and President Bush is well on the way to re-election... barring gaffs by the Electoral College.

Preceded by a 4.0 and 4.9 Richter quake: A magnitude 6.7 earthquake IN THE VANCOUVER ISLAND, CANADA REGION has occurred at:49.26N 128.87W Depth 10km Tue Nov 2 10:02:13 2004 UTC. There have been many aftershocks in the 4.0 to 5.0 Richter range. The Honshu region of Japan continues to be active.
More info on all quakes

Received two fraudulent e-mails enticing me to give them billing info purporting to be from Earthlink. Immediately reported to Earthlink's fraud unit. Them scammers be tricksee out there trying to get your ID and monies... they be.

My entries... " Poetry in Motion " daily contest:



Ether clouds aglow

Projected astral matrix

Nebular mist sowed

:Bobby Nichols



Phantoms laugh

coursing transient thoughts

pondering inhabited

unbidden covert desires

An instrument

so caught unshielded

wakes possessed

knowing darkness mires

:Bobby Nichols





Staid... the course of right

O, Ohio, beacon bright

Graced this land with sight

:Bobby Nichols


"HyperStasis " a Haiku: "... Hypostasis is defined within the link as a metaphysical "essential nature or underlying reality". Hyperstasis is not a word defined so easily... it's not in the dictionary nor encyclopedia. So where do I find these titles ? The poem always comes first. Then the agonizing of coming up with a title to fit the mood of the poetry. Sometimes I think I'm making up a word only to find it already in use, though obscurely, on the web. This title is one example. After Googling I found my preferred definition from a poem Beyond Tachyon - by Thomas (Torg) Hadley by which states: "there is no stasis but hyperstasis which is a frequency of flow so intense it is appearing to be still, a consistent inconsistency". Cool !

" Illapse "... Shown above is an edit of what I actually entered. The fourth line was entered without the word 'unbidden', the 6th line entered without the word 'unshielded', and the last line was entered simply as "knowing darkness". The poem seems better rendered this way, but not within the rules of the contest. The title "Illapse" easily understood (yeah right !!!). Finding the word for the title was, however, most serendipidous... I stumbled upon it searching antonyms & synonyms & definitions, and then diverging from there: 'phantom'...'spectre'... 'illbient'... 'illation'... Illapse !!!

"Victory " a Haiku: "... An homage and commentary to the people of Ohio who voted righteously, in my view (MY BLOG). I originally titled the poem "Vanquished... The Pretenders" then dropped "The Pretenders" leaving only "Vanquished..." but felt that both titles would be too mean spirited. I used a variation of G.W. Bush's "stay the course" theme, the word 'staid' defined here, if it's not too obvious, in the first line.

Hasty bananas... 'til sundae: with nuts and whipped cream on top of three different ice creams: pralines and cream, double dutch fudge, and strawberry; with chocolate sauce and caramel slopped in all over... and a big maraschino cherry or two on top !!!


Tuesday, November 02, 2004

"Grace is but glory begun, and glory is but grace perfected."

--Jonathan Edwards

More 'grace':
"Above all the grace and the gifts that Christ gives to his beloved is that of overcoming self." - St. Francis of Assisi

"Come, fair repentance, daughter of the skies! Soft harbinger of soon returning virtue; The weeping messenger of grace from heaven." - Thomas Browne

"If the Lord be with us, we have no cause of fear. His eye is upon us, His arm over us, His ear open to our prayer-His grace sufficient, His promises unchangeable." - John Newton

"A graceful and honorable old age is the childhood of immortality." - Pindar

"The grace of God is a wind which is always blowing." - Sri Ramakrishna

"Teach you children poetry; it opens the mind, lends grace to wisdom and makes the heroic virtues hereditary." - Sir Walter Scott

"We should give as we would receive, cheerfully, quickly, and without hesitation; for there is no grace in a benefit that sticks to the fingers." - Seneca

"This gift is from God and not of man's deserving. But certainly no one ever receives such a great grace without tremendous labor and burning desire." - Richard of Saint Victor

"Youth, large, lusty, loving - Youth, full of grace, force, fascination. Do you know that Old Age may come after you with equal grace, force, fascination?" - Walt Whitman

Weather: Blue sky Monday... still dark Tuesday morning.

PRESIDENTIAL RACE: Tuesday's the day... the 2nd of November. VOTE !!!

Wednesday will be the day the lawyers will take over to see whom is best at confounding the people's vote on this election cycle.
Maybe we'll know who's President by March... 2006.

My brother Robin has been e-mailing me pix of his TV/movie room and his back yard garden. Both are looking quite nice.

Wonderful testimonies from two returned missionaries last Sabbath... one from a Czech Republic mission and one from a Brazilian mission. I honor them by ending this BLOG session in both Slovakian and Portuguese. I'm still struggling with verbal prayer... and have been praying to get over my phoilbias (foibles + phobias).

My entries... " Poetry in Motion " daily contest:


Which Glory ?

Tears of pain

          cold-soled shod

moonscape weary

          man trod

across starlight

          sunsets bound

upon God's great

          love found

:Bobby Nichols


His Glory !

His will be done

True peace...

Love our reward

Life eternal

in Heaven

Stars, Moon, Sun

:Bobby Nichols



" Which Glory ? "... The poem is a bit rough, an edit not out of the question in the future... remember I have to work with 20 'tiles' maximum of an odd assortment of perhaps 200 words (or word fragments) that make up the 'tiles'... but here goes:
One cries in anguish with cold-soled feet, weary of viewing the moonscape; walking upon starlight heading toward ( bound for ) the sight of God's greatest glory... though never attaining the exaltation necessary to gain the Cellestial Kingdom. A lesser glory it would be... where one might be pained to know that though glorified through Jesus Christ's atonement that he/she is not near Heavenly Father's presence.
Seek exaltation through performing God's will and never straying from the straight and narrow path.

" His Glory ! "... To answer the above poem's question and to carry on the theme. Interesting the way the 'tiles' have shaken out. A bit better on the mind and ear poetically.

Do videnia !!! / Até a vista !!!


Monday, November 01, 2004

"He has outsoared the shadow of our night; envy and calumny and hate and pain, and that unrest which men miscall delight, can touch him not and torture not again; from the contagion of the world's slow stain, he is secure."

--Percy Bysshe Shelley

"A man calumniated is doubly injured - first by him who utters the calumny, and then by him who believes it." - Herodotus

"Be thou as chaste as ice, as pure as snow, thou shalt not escape calumny." - William Shakespeare

"Calumny is only the noise of madmen." - Diogenes of Sinope

"It is harder to kill a whisper than even a shouted calumny." - Mary Stewart

Gail's sick with a cold or such. Neither of us sleeping well.

Weather, etc... rain here off and on... snow just up the hill in Georgetown, CA on Wednesday when I drove to a lesson at church. Then fair and blue skies Sunday-Monday. I managed a walk of about 3-miles on Tuesday, just short of 6-miles on Thursday, and a walk to my ride to church of just less than 1-mile on Sunday.

PRESIDENTIAL RACE: Four years ago, nearly, I, a registered Republican, voted for Al Gore to take America into the future... a seemingly bright future without an inkling of what to come on September 11, 2001. That future, though naive, may still come to pass once those who are hungry are fed... those who live in fear, fear no more... those that are hurt or sick have health care...
I find Kerry too 'smarmy'... too patronizing. Given, now, that I would prefer a more conservative Supreme Court, and lean more toward religious and family values... I cannot vote for a ticket, a party, that panders to extremism and taxes. Granted, I would like to see universal health care for all the citizens of our fair country, but given the irresponsible spending of the norm and then adding an extra tax burden on same, I see nothing but future family difficulties and possible failure. Taxes are not the answer... responsibility is.
For those who rail that Roe v. Wade might be stricken down I honestly do not see this eventuality in the near future... that would indeed be political suicide. Enough is promised by the Bush administration that all women will be protected in the case of incest, rape, or when the life of a woman may be in danger. Lax attitudes toward promiscuity should have taken a down-turn in the '80's... but haven't. Family values must become a priority. Responsibility must become a reality. With all the billions our government subsidizes in education... the dollars spent on health and sex education appear to go for not.
Those that may worry about the Iraq quagmire... that was a slippery road that the entire political machine of both parties started down, not Bush alone, il-advisedly. All felt that action must be taken... after all, the opposition probably felt they could always point their fingers if things went bad... especially with a political cycle coming up soon... their accountability soon forgotten. I see more miring in Iraq's future... more death... more finger pointing. The Bush administration has taken the Responsibility to see things through... to rid Iraq of its extremist enemies. A strong Iraq free from fear benefits the world. Would our country accept help from our allies who have since backed off or never committed support... of course !!! But they, our erstwhile allies, do not want to take the responsibility of the burden... whether because of political sways in their country, fear of terrorist retaliation, out and out apathy, or otherwise. But who will become the carpetbaggers of the future in Iraq come what may ? My guess is those same fair-weather allies of ours.
I, therefore, must vote for the Bush candidacy.

Continued earthquakes ( see previous post ) 10/27/2004 01:40 M 6.0* WEST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN Z= 15km 37.27N 138.82E ( * revised from initial 5.7 Richter )
See also World Earthquakes

I read an SF short story recently by none other than The Steve Allen titled "The Public Hating"... the link is an interesting treatise to the power of hatred, though I do not ascribe to all of the author's conclusions.

Red Sox win the world series as the moon turns to blood (during a full lunar eclipse). I don't believe in signs of portent, but hey... it's not as if the Cubbies won.
I was quite taken by an interview by Sox ace Pedro Martinez when asked about the Yankee fans railing him at Yankee Stadium yelling "Who's your daddy" shortly after his famous "...I guess the Yankee's are my daddy" quote on why he had difficulty pitching against the Yankees. His humility and grace in the face of such derision was quite an about face to the norm. He stated his humble background when he didn't have money for bus fare in the Dominican Republic ( Dominican Dominators Sammy Sosa and Pedro Martinez )... and now he was on center stage, the object of attention of all the Yankee fans... and being grateful for the opportunity.
Baseball Quotes
Books on baseball

My entries... " Poetry in Motion " daily contest:


Night's maw prepares nigh

O'er sienna clouded sky

Day waits soon to die

:Bobby Nichols





Be not as

the Earthly sylph

His love, thy purpose

was hallowed

before thy birth

:Bobby Nichols


"Passage " a Haiku: "... Transition from day to night... a journey. I could have been more warm and fuzzy, I guess. I liken the imagery to the finality of the day... only to be reborn on the morrow.

" Syzygy "... I didn't actually submit this poem... I made a rough draft and ran out of time after I discovered I used a word that was not amongst the 'tiles'... the offending word: "before". My "Funk and Wagnalls Standard desk Dictionary", the one my wife's dog "Poop" tried to eat, gives one definition of a "sylph" as: "an imaginary being, mortal but without a soul, living in the air". "Syzygy" lends itself to be an interesting metaphorical title... and besides, I was hung up on obscure "S" words at the time starting with the lookup of "sylvan".

Wrock on !!!


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